Bristlenose breeding


What's a good size tank for a pair of bristlenose that continuosly breed? One that would allow the fry to grow up as new batches are born.

My 10 gallon snowball shrimp tank is not the answer? OMG! :eek:

Got them from Todd of Toddnbecka. Highly recommended!


30 breeder works really well for me. You know the glasscages tanks you love ;)

Love them for plecos.... then you can stick your snowballs in with them and just let things go :)

I will admit I have to do lots of water changes on my ABN tank.... but I always have enormous amounts of fry! Other bn's like the reds or calicos don't breed quite as often... still, if you want to relax 30 or larger IMO.


I use a 30L and a 40 breeder to spawn/raise mine. The super reds are in the 30L with a group of 6 L-333's and dozens-hundreds of endler's, mostly fry. The 40 breeder houses at least 5-6 adult BN and 15 L-134's. I usually grow the BN out to at least 1" before moving to other tanks for further growout. All my breeding/growout tanks (except for a 75 with mbuna) have large amounts of Najas or hornwort (and of course duckweed) to absorb nitrates.
Many times I've had around 200 BN fry/juvies in the 30L w/out any problems. Each female typically lays around 50 eggs, and they usually spawn again before the fry have grown out past 1".


CCA Members
I have one pair in a 15 and one in a 37.

The ones in the 15 probably need to be moved(or the fry do). In the 37 every couple months I do a big water change(75%) and get as many of the 1"+ guys as I can.

If I had a fish room, I would probably use 20Ls and move the pair every few spawns.


CCA Members
Not to hijack the thread, but which gender is best to add to spawn multiple adults together?


I swear my pair would have bred in a glass of water.
10g...BOOM, fry.
...and again
...and again
About 7 broods.
I added Cherry Red Shrimp to grow out as well.
After a while I literally had a carpet of little ABN's at the bottom of the tank.
Since then I moved the pair to a 30g with most of their juvies and fry...along with the shrimp.


thanks! I need to move the gularis out of a 40 breeder to put the bristlenose in. I have too many fish and not enough room.