Yes, I did, when I worked for Dennis.
Dennis had a "secret formula" which might not be so secret if my memory were a little better. When he added eggs to the water he also added a few drops/or eyedroppers full (can't remember which) of bleach. It supposedly softened the shells a bit to speed hatching and helped prevent bacteria issues, etc.
One thing I remember - more that I remember him yelling at Dmitri about it - you absolutely have to make sure your hard airline tube is at the very bottom (basically in the spout), otherwise some eggs and shrimp will get caught at the bottom and foul the whole back.
He almost always drained the whole cone at once (remember, we had about as many tanks as congressional, plus 300 gallon tubs, most FULL of fry in various stages of growing out. He'd put them in a big pyrex measuring cup with a handle in the fridge and use a turkey baster to dole them out to all of the tanks multiple times a day. Whatever wasn't used at the end of the day got dumped, for the reasons that Mike mentioned on Saturday.
The cones we had there, and at Aquarium Center, weren't round - they were actually more like pyramids - each probably held about a liter, plus space at the top to avoid splashing. We used a floating hydrometer to double check the salinity of the cones before we added the eggs. It was a good day if you managed to get a compliment (or no reprimands) about how good your brine-shrimp hatch looked.