Jim Anderson
CCA Members
After being frustrated for years of not being able to find a big enough breeder box, I came up with an idea for a one. I used an Aqua clear external filter box that I only use in emergency situations. I cut the water return "lip" off, drilled numerous tiny holes on all sides, glued a couple of hanger straps and put it in my 90 gal. community tank at 1:30 this am. The box is a perfect fit, I will show a installed top view pic's of it later today. I caught one of my holding Cyp's and put her in it, then picked her up so she would spit the baby's out. My first time breeding cyp's (have had many spawns but nowhere to put the baby's). Below are some pic's. Any suggestions for the baby's? I think I should have waited a couple of more days before having her spit them out. Will the air stone set up work. Would she have spit them out on her own? Thanks for any suggestions, Jim