BN vs Synodontis


Just wondering how efficiently synodontis ate algae compared to BN plecos.
I just moved the BN and fry out of my Tang tank and have noticed much more greenery lately (nothing out of hand though). I have started to crank down the hours of lighting during the day.
Could a syno do the job? Would he mind a few lingering corys in there?
Neither cories nor synos eat algae. Keep the BN if that is your concern. You don't need lights on at all unless you're growing plants. Otherwise, natural light from the room and lights on when you want to view is sufficient. Does cut down on the algae.


The BN are pretty good at eating algae but like Holly said the synos wont eat algae. You could also check out nerites, which are algae eating snails that work wonders and are relatively inexpensive and pretty.


Two things about nerites; they constantly lay infertile white eggs all over the tank, and will climb out if there's an opening in the cover.
I probably have a dozen or more BN in my Tang 220. I moved a few larger ones in from other tanks, and some fry hitchhiked inside a few resin ornaments.