Big thank you to ltrepeter2000 (Rob) and CCA


I wanted to give a big thank you to Rob, a total stranger until last night, for taking time out if his schedule and coming over to my house and helping me reinforce my a stand for my 265. I've been a long time member of this site and was a cca member back in 2008 and used to go to the meetings but have taken a long hiatus from that because of work but I recently became a member again and cant thank all the members that I have had the pleasure of meeting recently and I hope that next time there's a member in need I can return all te good others have done for me!

Here's what Big Rob was able to do to my stand! I'm now confident enough to fill it!



Past CCA President
Looks good, guys. This is a pretty good example of why the CCA is much more than an internet forum. It is a community of good folks who are there to help one another. Good stuff.

Thai, you should try to come up to the member's BBQ and meet some more folks.

I would like to second Jon's comments in that's just the good spirit and nature of the club. You ask for help and there always someone with some input or lending hand there to help you with whatever you are having problems with.

Thai - No worries, gave me a chance to dust off the tools and it gets that gorgeous tank one step closer to fish. We worked fast as well so that helped as we got all that done in less than three hours. Looking forward to the next set of photos of it filled with some big monsters.


Ahhh Saturday....I won't be able to make it then, I sell cars and Saturdays are not negotiable as days off, hence my hiatus from the club events early on