Bartoni threesome...


CCA Members
Hericthys bartoni are a CARES species from Media Luna in Mexico:

They're not too aggressive on other fish (as Central American Cichlids go)...but BRUTAL on each other.

I have a 2'x2'x1' divided in three with a male in the middle and a female on each side. I do weekly 30-50% water changes and feed them NLS with occasional red wigglers (they're primarily detritivore - decaying leaves, detritus and snails).

I recently added a heater to the tank...turned it up to 80...and - to my suprise - I found BOTH females guarding flowerpots of eggs. And the male displaying for both of them.

So far both sets of eggs seem fertile, so I'll let each of the females care for them...and see how it goes.



Past CCA President
Congrats on the spawn, Matt. Hopefully they did their thing and you can spread around some more of these guys in the hobby.


CCA Members
Happy to share some if I get some fry. If not this time, then next...

I want to give them a chance to be good parents this time around :)



CCA Members
These guys are s-l-o-w growing. I've been raising fry for about 6 months to get them to 1" or so...

The dad is probably 6"...and probably 3-4 years old.



i would like more but if you bag them up and bring them to the meeting i might have to refuse to buy your fish :cool:


lol for real though i would like some friends for the one i got from you... how do you go about registering them :)


CCA Members
I think both ladies ate their eggs... wondering if the male's swimmers got far enough to do a good job of fertilization.

Maybe next time...
