Bad News

I'm down here in New Bern, NC at sales meetings this week. Joann calls me last night to tell me that she came home from work, turns on the lights to feed the fish and finds most of the haps and peacocks dead in the malawi show tank. It sounds like I lost all but a couple. These were all large mature fish that each was at least five years old.

She called me today and said she did a water change in hopes to save the remainder fish. It sounds like there may only be two haps left and no peacocks. At least nine haps and peacocks died. The five big clown loaches and the two large synodonitis are still alive also. I won't know what I lost until I get in tomorrow night after midnight.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Damn. Something went through there.
She say the filter and heater still working.
Anything I can do?


Ouch, sorry to hear that, Bobby! Let us know if you find out what happened, k?

At least the clowns & cats are still there, they're pretty sturdy.



CCA member
I am sorry this happened to you. It's especially difficult when you are out of town. Please let us know if and when you find out what caused this.


Stuck heater was my first thought as well, but it could be any number of things. Good thing is, since we are a cichlid club - you have access to plenty of replacements.

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Sorry to hear that, Bobby. It's really painful when that happens.

I'm down here in New Bern, NC at sales meetings this week. Joann calls me last night to tell me that she came home from work, turns on the lights to feed the fish and finds most of the haps and peacocks dead in the malawi show tank. It sounds like I lost all but a couple. These were all large mature fish that each was at least five years old.

She called me today and said she did a water change in hopes to save the remainder fish. It sounds like there may only be two haps left and no peacocks. At least nine haps and peacocks died. The five big clown loaches and the two large synodonitis are still alive also. I won't know what I lost until I get in tomorrow night after midnight.[/b]
Thanks for the condolences friends. Hey, they're fish. Crap happens. :sick0004:

Don't know for sure what happened. Only irregularity was that the AC 500 stopped running. However, the two canisters and the powerhead were still working fine. Jo did the water change before I got home. So I don't know what the paramaters were. Heater was not an issue.

The lost fish included: flametail peacock, blue neon peacock, lemon jake peacock, ruby red peacock, german red peacock, and albino baenschi peacock. As well as my mylochromis gracilis, sciaenchromis fryeri, placid. phenochilis, and copadichromis mloto. Also the two tanganyikans that were in there, calvus and comp. Eleven fish total. They were all fine before the attack, except the lemon jake. He was pretty beat up.

Survivors seem to be doing okay tonight.

Here are some shots of the deceased.

The lost peacocks:






The lost haps:




The two lamprologus:




Master Jedi & Past VP
Bobby, I am really really sorry for your loss. I know for a fact that there was some emotional attachment to the ones that stuck around for the 5 years.

Again, I am sorry, if there is anything that I can do please let me know. If you need to reload your tank, You know that I have plenty of baby peacocks and haps, OK.

In looking at what might of happened, Maddog was right into thinking that it was the heater.

Nevertheless, the probability of maybe your lemon Jake being killed and his dead body sitting in the water for a while could of spiked the ammonia levels so high that it triggered a chain reaction and by then it was to late since know one was there to take out the carcass. Just a thought.

Take care Bobby,
