Available stock for pick-up at the meeting


invert junkie
Black bar endler fry, unsexed: $1
Blonde endler fry, unsexed: $1
Ameca splendens fry (extinct in the wild): $2
Ember tetras: $1.50
Espei rasboras: $2
Dwarf orange bumble bee cats: $6
Rummynose tetra: $2
Habrosus cory: $2
Pygmaeus cory: $2
Chilli rasbora: $2.50
Erythromicron rasboras: $3
Dario dario: $3 UNSEXED

Malawa :$3
Indian White banded: $4
Indian Midget Zebra: $4
Dark headed bumble bee: $3
Imported adult cherry shrimp: $2
Amano shrimp: $2
Bamboo shrimp: $8

CPO subadult MALES (out of females and juvies for now): $18
Cambarellus shufeldtii: $6

Thai micro crabs: $6

coconut huts, undrilled: $2
alder cones: $.05 ea
Gallon bag of almond leaves: $10

Images found here:


Hi Rachel,
I'd like 10 of the ember tetras. I also want to get some shrimp but will they bother my cory cats? Some of them are only .5".


invert junkie
shrimp shouldn't bother cories at all. I keep dwarf cories and full sized in alot of my shrimp tanks. In some of my tanks, the shrimp are bigger than the cories!


Corresponding Secretary
If available I'd like to get 4 pygmaeus cories and 6 espei rasboras. I can pay paypal if you'd prefer. Thanks!


The ONE who is The ONE
I'll take:
6 Habrosus cory
3 Chili Rosbaras
3 Dario Dario
2 Dwarf orange bumble bee catfish
6 black bar Endlers
6 Espei Rosbaras

and some stems of rotala and ludwigia. and Anubia. How much are the plants.

Do you want paypal know or cash at the meeting?


invert junkie
cash is fine, the stems I can give you as I really need to get some of my planted tanks under control before people come over. As for the anubias, do you want nana or barteri? The nanas are $4, the barteri are $8 (much larger)


Corresponding Secretary
I sent money for 4 pygmaeus and 6 espei rasboras via paypal. See you at the meeting today!