Available for sale- August 29, 2011


invert junkie

Corydoras pygmaeus $3
Danio erythromicron $3.50
Meteor Minnows $3.50
Danio margaritatus $4
Microdevario kubotai $4

Dario Dario $3
Rasbora pauciperforatum (redline rasboras) $1
Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki (dwarf chain loach) $9
Scleromystax barbatus, 1- $12
Chili rasbora (boraras brigittae) $2.50 each
Trigonostigma espei (lamb chop/espei's rasbora)- $2 or 10 for $18
CW010 (gold laser cory)- $8
Yunnanilus cruciatus (dwarf zebra hovering loach)- $4
Hyphessobrycon amandae (ember tetra)- $1.50
Pseudepiplathys annulatus(rocket or clown killi)- $3
Tanicthys micagemma (sparkle eye white cloud)- $3.50
Brevibora dorsiocellata (eyespot or emerald eye rasbora)- $2 or 10 for $18
otocinclus- $2 or 6 for $10
Sawbwa resplendens (asian rummynose)- $2.50
Aplocheilicthys normani (norman's lampeye) $2
Oryzias woworae (ricefish)- $6
Albino ancistrus- $4
Danio kyathit (orange finned danio)- $2
Lemon tetras $1.50- various sizes, home raised

Anetome helena (Assassin snails)- $3
Neritina semicona (red spot nerite) $2
Clithion sp (bumble bee nerite) $2.50
Neritina pulligera (red lips nerite)- $2.50
Pomacea diffusa, various colors, pea-sized $1

Caridina pareparensis parvidentata (Malawa shrimp)- $2
Neocaridina heterpoda var red (Cherry shrimp)- $1.50
Caridina multidentata (Amano shrimp)- $2
Caridina cf. breviata (bumble bee shrimp)- $4
Caridina cf. babaulti green- $3
Indian white banded shrimp- $4

Thai microcrabs $4
Cambarellus patzcuarensis sp "orange" $13

Dried goods
Back to nature guide to nano aquaria- $27- GREAT book! NOW IN STOCK AGAIN
Almond leaves- $8/gallon bag- C grade
Coconut huts, drilled $1.50


As per our earlier discussion:

30 Large Lemon Tetras: $45
20 Espeis.: $36

Total: $81

And any left over guppies. :)


invert junkie
Do you want me to bring as many large lemons as I have or just 30? They don't hold still long enough for me to get a count on how many are big, but I don't know that 30 are nearing adult size. There are a bunch of subadults as well and then a bunch of juvies. Obviously you don't want the juveis, but are subadults (over 1") ok?


Do you want me to bring as many large lemons as I have or just 30? They don't hold still long enough for me to get a count on how many are big, but I don't know that 30 are nearing adult size. There are a bunch of subadults as well and then a bunch of juvies. Obviously you don't want the juveis, but are subadults (over 1") ok?

30 largest ones you can catch as long as they are not too small. :)


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Hey Rach!

Planning on setting back up the 6 gallon Biocube on my desk at work. No salt this time. Just some easy plants and wood.

What would you do? Only thing I am pretty set on is a group of shrimp that will breed. What else would make for a nice tankmate? I was thinking maybe 3-4 pigmy cories, a couple of snails for algae control and maybe a group of small tetras or raspboras. Is this too much livestock for the setup?


invert junkie
Hey Rach!

Planning on setting back up the 6 gallon Biocube on my desk at work. No salt this time. Just some easy plants and wood.

What would you do? Only thing I am pretty set on is a group of shrimp that will breed. What else would make for a nice tankmate? I was thinking maybe 3-4 pigmy cories, a couple of snails for algae control and maybe a group of small tetras or raspboras. Is this too much livestock for the setup?

I would do the shrimp (is the water hard, soft, or neutral?), a single nerite, then either 4-5 pygmies OR a microrasbora. The pygmies use mid water space too, so I think you would be a big crowded with both, especially as the shrimp reproduce.


K, thanks. My room temp is typically around 75 degrees. I think I'll get 4 or 5 nerites from you. I'll let you know the exact number and species soon. Thanks.
