Aquaticclarity Order - Want in to split shipping?


CCA Members
Aquaticclarity (Jeff Michaels) keeps and breeds some of the most crazy rare Westies and other fish that you'll ever hear about. He was up for ACA breeder of the year for breeding Pungu maclareni...

He just updated his list ( and I'm going to have some fish delivered (to Gaithersburg) next week sometime (not this week).

If anyone is interested in getting in on this order, please let me know...or contact Jeff directly and let him know you want to get in on the shipment.

Jeff's near Milwaukee so I want to get an order before it gets too chilly up there.

Just for suspense, here's what I got:
the coolest fish on the list :rolleyes:


Here's the list:

West African Cichlids
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis Moliwi Wild 3+ 6/$40
Benitochromis sp. Eseka 1-1 6/$50
Chromidotilapia guntheri guntheri 1 6/$25
Chromidotilapia guntheri loenburgii 3″ 6/$50
Hemichromis sp. Moanda wild 2-3″ $15 each 6/$75
Nannochromis parilius wild 2-2.5″ $20/pr
Nanochromis teugelsi F1 1-1 6/$50
Parananochromis caudofasciatus F1 1 -2″ 6/$40
Pelvicachromis pulcher Nigerian F1 (kribs) 1 -1 6/$25
Pelvicachromis pulcher Isokpo 1 + 6/$30
Pelvicachromis roloffi wild 2″ $35/pair
Pelvicachromis sacrimontis red wild 2 + $30/pair
Pelvicachromis subocellatus Moanda wild out
Pelvicachromis taeniatusKienke wild 2-2.5″ $30.00/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatusLokunje wild 2″ $10.00 (one female)
Pelvicachromis taeniatusMoliwe wild 2.5-3″ $30.00/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatusNjanje wild out
Pelvicachromis sp. Guinea Blue Fin F1 1 (males only) $5 each
Pelvicachromis sp. Guinea Blue Fin wild 2 $30/pair
Sarotherodon linnellii 3-4 $10 each
Steatocranus casuarius (buffalohead) wild 2-3 6/$60
Steatocranus tinanti (slender buffalohead) wild 2 1/2″ 6/$50
Steatocranus tinanti (slender buffalohead) F1 1 7/$25
Teleogramma brichardi F1 1 6/$75
Tilapia joka 3/4″ 6/$25

Tanganyikain Cichlids
Aulonocranus dewindti F1 2 $17 each 6/$90
Callochromis ndole 2 -3 $30/pr.
Cyathopharynx foai Kachese F1 2-2 $20 each 6/$100
Cyprichromis blue orchid 2 -3″ $18 each 6/$90
Cyphotilapia frontosa-6 stripe 1 6/$25
Cyphotilapia frontosa-6 stripe 1 6/ $35
Juli. ornatus F1 2 $10 each 6/$50
Juli. regani Kipilli 2+ $12 each 5/$50
Ophthalmotilapia nausta Tiger F1 1 -2 $18 each 5/$75 10/$125

Malawi Cichlids
Albino Stawberry Peacock 1 1/2″-2″ color $8 each 6/$45
A. Eureka Jake 2 -3 color/holding $10 each 6/$50
A. mamela lemon jake peacock F1 3-4 color/holding $12 each 6/$60
A. ngara peacock 2 some color $8 each 6/$45
Aulonocara sp. stuartgrati maleri Maleri Is. sunshine peacock 7/6 $85/trio
Hap. electric ahli 2+ $6 each 6/$30
Lemon yellow lab 1 $6 each 6/$30
L. trewavasae red top 2 -3 $6 each 6/$30
Mel. maingano EBJ 2″-2 $5 each 6/$25
Protomelas insignis F1 7/6 $100/quad
Protomelas sp. steveni taiwan Taiwanee Reef 8/6 $100/trio
P. demasoni 1 $8 each 6/$40
Pseudotropheus sp. Blue Reef 2-3 6/$25
Otopharynx lithobates yellow blaze 2 $6 each 6/$30
Otopharynx lithobates yellow blaze 6/4 $85/trio

Lake Victorian Cichlids
Paralabidochromis chromogynos 3/4″-1″ 6/$30
Xystichromis sp. Dayglow -1″ 6/$25
Xystichromis sp. Flameback (Kisumu Kenya form) 1″ 6/$25
Xystichromis sp. Flameback (Kisumu Kenya form) 2″ $25/trio
Albino Xystichromis sp. Kyoga Flameback 6/4 $50/pair

South and Central American Cichlids
Apistogramma cacatouides Triple Red Ready in about a month
Apistogramma cf. pandurini wild 1+ $25/trio
Apistogramma steindachneri F1 6/$25
Australoheros sp. Red Ceibal 3 $5/each
Archocentrus cutteri F2 1 1/2″ $5/each
Archocentrus sp. Honduran Red Point 2-2 6/$25
Cichlasoma dimerus F1 2+ 6/$10
Cichlasoma dimerus wild 4-5 $30/rev. proven trio
Gymnogeophagus cf. gymnogenyes Arroyo Yerbilito F1 2 $8 each 6/$40

Albino Dwarf Bristlenose Plecostomus 1 $5 each
Dwarf Bristlenose Plecostomus 1 $3 each
Synodontis cf.koensis wild 2″ $10
Synodontis multipuntatus (looks like 2 males and 3 females) 4 $125/group of 5
Synodontis multipuntatus cats 1 -2 $12 each 5/$50
Synodontis lucippinis (dwarf petricola) $5 each 6/$25
Synodontis oceliffer wild 3″ $15
Synodontis soloni wild 2-3 $20

Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl 5/8+ 6/$20

Rhexipanchax nimbaensis Mount Nimba deep body Lampeye wild 1″ 6/$25
Sicydium sp. (African HAIR ALGAE eating goby) 2 $10 each


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Hey Matt,

I'll probably go in with you. I live in Gaithersburg as well. I'll PM ya.



Past CCA President

I may be interested in the c. dimerus. Do you have any experience with them? How big do they get? I assume they are similar in temperament to ports/acaras.


CCA Members
Yes - I'm getting the trio from him...and he's throwing in some little ones. Get some more little ones so that we can compare experiences :)

He calls them "dimerus" because they're an acara but probably an undescribed one.

I have true dimerus (from Constitucion in Uruguay) and they're typical acaras in temperment: eat a lot, not too aggressive and pretty sociable.

Looks like we've got a couple of people in on the order - let's get a couple more ;)



CCA Members
cool - looks like me and at least 3 more!

Email jeff and let him know what you want...

Good stuff!



CCA Members
I was looking at those as well

I'd bet that they really mean to each other. There's a good article in this months aca buntbarch bulletin magazine on how to set up tanks for similar type fish


Hey Matt,
I may be down for those Teleogramma Brichardi. I'll probably email him for info on them.


I emailed Micheal about them and he said they are aggressive over their territory. They are probably just like my colony of Buffalohead cichlids. Aggressive but aren't really killers.


CCA Members
rheophilic fish can be most brutal on conspecifics

My casuarius buffaloheads were pretty easygoing and even tolerated their babies when they got big enough to spawn themselves. I keep thinking about getting some tinanti...but alas I have too dam many fish as it is!

Never kept teleogramma so ok excited to hear about your experiences with the when you get them ;). Take pictures

Take care


CCA Members
Matt, thanks for setting up this group order! I really appreciate the opportunity to send some fish your way and to save everyone some money on the shipping charges.

S. tinanti are really cool and VERY easy to spawn. I've had pairs set up shop in pair bottom quarantine tanks that had some caves in them and get as far as having wigglers in the tank.

Teleogramma brichardi are in my top 2 or 3 for favorite fish from West Africa. They have a puppy dog like personality once they settle into a tank, aren't overly hard to spawn, have easy to raise fry, and the juveniles can stay in the adult tank for a surprisingly long time. The females are gorgeous with their steel grey/black torpedo body, red belly, and vivid wedge of white in their tails. An eye catcher to say the least!



CCA Members
I have a few things that aren't on the list at

15 Tropheus kiriza kaiser (kaiser II) 1/2"+ $8 each or 15 for $75
Anubias barteri nana small $3 each medium $5 each
5 Neolamprologus multifasciatus F1 1/2"+ 5 for $20



Past President
How much for a pair of A. Cacautoides? In the original post it said they weren't ready, but you posted in another that they could be available.


CCA Members
Are the P. pulcher Nigerians the Nigerian red version? If so I want six.

You're thinking of Pevicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Red, not P. pulcher.

Here are pictures of the wild caught parents of the Nigerian pulcher:
male and fry

female and fry

Here are the P. pulcher Isokpo:

male and fry

female and fry

The P. sacrimontis Red would be the reddest of the kribs that I have right now.