AquaNewb - Planted Freshwater Tanks - Coming from Tropical Plants/Aroids


New Member
Hi all,

Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. New to fishkeeping, but not new to water quality testing, beneficial bacteria, ecosystem balance, etc. My prior hobbies that led into this involved growing many tropical plants, mostly aroids, creating custom blended living soils, hydroponics and aeroponics, and pushing the boundaries of what can be done in a living space indoors while still maintaining decorative aesthetics, etc. I'm finally getting back to the roots I put down as a kid in the 80s, building a saltwater aquarium, trying monitor and maintain salinity, and then watching everything slowly and frustratingly die. It was enough to put me off fish for some time.

Now I am back and diving in deep - just not into saltwater or CO2...yet. Looking forward to connecting with a surprisingly large local community! Work in DC, live in MoCo.

Current Setup:

Tank One:
8 gallon nano tank housing 4 Amano shrimp, 4 pigmy cories, some hitchhiker snails, and 2 female guppies. (I suspect both are with-child and we are approaching day 22 sans boys - plan to move mommas after birth). Heavily planted with wood, stem plants, gravel, low but steady flow. Aquaclear 30 HOB and bubbler with heater. Cheap LED plant light.

Tank Two:
9 gallon shallow that has 3 pigmy cories, one mystery snail, and about 6 red rilli shrimp. (As of last count.) Heavily planted with rocks, moderate to heavy flow. Aquaclear 30 HOB and 2 bubblers with heater. This tank needs some work or some breeding! A bit boring but loads of potential. Cheap LED plant light.

Tank Three:
29 gallon, 1 young female guppy, 5 otocinclus, 5 panda corie juveniles, and 6 assorted platy fry. Moderately planted, rocks and wood, moderate flow from all filtration. Aquaclear 30 HOB, Tidal 35 HOB, and air sponge filter, plus heater. Heavy overhead LED plant lighting - borderline too strong but plan to dim or shade with plants.

Tank Four:
29 gallon, heavily planted, snails only during cycle. FX2 canister filter with adjustable but moderate to higher flow, heater, fancy planted tank LED lighting, etc.

This Tank Four is in our living/tv room and will be a centerpiece tank - I am hoping for/looking for stocking ideas!

Ideally I would have a breeding pair of something interesting (hence me finding this forum) as well as a few others living happily in community. I wouldn't mind having some internal balance - bigger fish that may occasionally snack on smaller fish fry so as to prevent population explosions/ammonia spikes. My water is RO remineralized with Salty Shrimp and/or Seachem planted tank buffers. Too much copper in my old pipes.

Glad to be here and looking forward to learning! Please holler with questions.

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
Welcome to CCA.. There so many options for an empty tank. Looking for peaceful cichlid like German blue rams or something a bit more agressive like angels. Most of the ather cichlids are too aggressive for a planted aquarium. But apistogrammas are also fairly peaceful.

As for other fish like tetras, barbs anddanios the choice is yours. But I would add at lease 6 cory catfish and 2 or 3 ancistrus to help the tank looking clean.