Anyone have a busted 55 I can cannibalize for the frame?


The plastic top piece on mine cracked during the quake and I'm getting tired of looking at the cabinet clamp I'm using to maintain the tank's normal configuration.


Past President
If not you can buy new ones from Aquarium Depot or order them online. If Matt doesn't come through, let me know, and I'll find the number for them.


Spoke with Aquarium Depot yesterday and they want around $20-$30 bucks for a new one depending on brand. Apparently mine is an Aqueon with a thin ledged strip that flares out at recessed mirrored 45 degree angles to connect the front and back and accommodate glass tops on either side. Not sure if the dimensions of the other brand are exactly the same but I'm thinking maybe I'll just drill a 1/4" hole through the front and back and run/bolt a piece of all-thread front to back with some big flat washers to spread the pressure. Should do.


The ONE who is The ONE
Tropical lagoon orders them too and cheaper I think. Give them a call.

Posted via


Don't try this at home boys and girls (without adult supervision).

Unless I get one for free I'm probably going the all-thread route as it's cheaper and in my estimation less of a hassle. But thank you kindly. And besides I just can't wait to tempt fate by taking a diamond tipped 1/4" drill bit to a half-full tank of discus.


We get leakers in all the time I'll keep a eye out for you Sam. If I remember correctly the bottom frame is the same as the top. You should be able to just swap frames and that should solve your problem