Anybody using DIY Flourish Excell


The ONE who is The ONE

Thats the same thing I thought when it was proposed on AC last year. The thread started was Flamed beyond belief. JCardona on MFk brought it up again and I started doing a little research. People have been using a 2.5% solution since 2006 with success so far as I have found. I have found a liter for 20 buck plus shipping. The GLUTARALDEHYDE in excel is 1%. Its the "active ingredient". The dosing is 5ml per 10 gallons. So 5ml of a 2.5% GLUTARALDEHYDE solution should work for 25 gallons. Or dose 1.5ml per 10 gallons of water.
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I and several other people in GWAPA experimented with it a year or two ago, and as long as you get the concentration right, it works just fine as a replacement for excel, and is considerably cheaper. I went back to using excel because it is more easily obtained, and I like supporting companies that support our club and our hobby, and Seachem has been very supportive of GWAPA and the planted tank hobby. But yeah, it works and it's cheaper.

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This GWAPA thread contains the discussion I remember (my memory is clearly waning - this was almost three years ago):

It references a thread on Aquatic Plant Central, where a number of folks reported it worked well. Now that I re-read the GWAPA thread and think back to my experience, there were mixed reviews. Perhaps most telling: no one bought a second one gallon bottle.


CCA Members
Thats the same thing I thought when it was proposed on AC last year. The thread started was Flamed beyond belief. JCardona on MFk brought it up again and I started doing a little research. People have been using a 2.5% solution since 2006 with success so far as I have found. I have found a liter for 20 buck plus shipping. The GLUTARALDEHYDE in excel is 1%. Its the "active ingredient". The dosing is 5ml per 10 gallons. So 5ml of a 2.5% GLUTARALDEHYDE solution should work for 25 gallons. Or dose 1.5ml per 10 gallons of water.
2 liters of Excel from Kensfish is $28+ shipping.

I think you might be able to find a little bit better deal on the 2.5% GLUTARALDEHYDE, but you don't have the huge savings unless you are using a ton of it.