any brackish fans here?


So the 55 is set up, canister filter running and I'm thinking of going brackish. Mollies, gobies, orange chromides and monos. What I'm wondering about are plants . . . are there brackish plants? maybe more fish species? Thanks for any info


Not exactly

I have yellow chromides in tap, reckon that doesn't count, but always wanted to keep Monos and would do a brackish tank if it were "sexy" enough - mollies won't get it for me but the right gobies might do the trick.

Google is our friend (even as it gathers personal data on habits/interests/etc.) - would be interested in what you find out re: plants...


Giant Vallisneria is probably the best choice for brackish but the monos will annihilate it.


CCA Members
Anableps are also a good choice for a brackish tank. Although they get BIG...

I've kept and bred orange chromides in both brackish (i.e. added a cup of sea salt or two per water change) and pure fresh. They're meaner than you'd expect when they get to spawning size. I've kept them with mollies.

Sailfin mollies alone would be spectacular in a 55g. They honestly don't need salt but do well in it. A 55g's honestly not too much room for a group of say 2 males and 4-6 females to reach their potential.

Monos, scats and archers are also get big. Better for a 6' tank than a 4' one in my experience.



CCA Members
Java Fern handles brackish fairly well, and should be resilient to your herbivorous fish. Somewhat.


Scats, scats, scats...

I dig the Monos but loved my small dinner plate Scats (no we didn't eat them) but they did get bigger than I thought. Always moving, super cool. I would definitely keep them again in the future. Couple cool color variats too.

Although I don't think they play well with plants. They like their veggies..

-marc and family..


CCA Members
Eating scats would be like eating...uh scat.

Scat with bones and spines.

I can't imagine Anableps would be much better ;)
