Amphilophus trimaculatus


CCA Members
Hello all,

It's been awhile but I'm back in the area. I hope to attend a meeting or two before the end of the year.

I've downsized to a single 75G aquarium containing my lone Trimac, Ragnar. I picked him up from Rapps early this spring at about 3" in length and since then he's grown like crazy. Currently he's between 9-10" and stocky.


I would have liked to move him to my former 135G but he wouldn't have done well with the other inhabitants. If his reflection was in the tank I don't think it would survive.


He's full of flare and greets me every time I walk into the room. I hope to get my hands on another 6' tank in the relatively near future.



Tank quick details: 75 gallons
Filters: Fluval FX6, Eheim Professional 3
Lighting: Current USA LED Freshwater+
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CCA Members
How much was the young fish when bought it? Does it eat NLS
I believe he was around $8 plus shipping. I had gotten a group and he was the keeper out of all of them. I tried to keep him with a female but even when he was smaller he was lethally aggressive. He even busted down a tank barrier to do bad things.

Incredibly fun fish though for those who like interaction between wet pet and person


CCA Members
Few more photos of Ragnar today. He's getting some serious mass on him. I really wish I still had my 6' tank for him. He could really use the extra space.

He's between 9-10" from tip to tail.


