Acei,Jacobfreibergi,HRP,Paleatus,Aeneus available


I have the following that I can bring to the next meeting. I am trying to make space. PM me if anyone is interested. Excuse me if I am not able to reply messages immediately.

Pseudotropheus acei (Yellow Tail) ~3 inches, nice color, 4$ each or Group of 6 for 20$
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Otter Point" Group (1 Colored Male - 3 Females) 25$, I have at least 3 groups
Cryptoheros Sp (HRP Rio Danli), breeding pair for 15$ I have several pairs
Corydoras paleatus (Pepper Cory) juveniles ~inch (about a year old) 3$ each (Group of 6 for 15$), Several groups available
Corydoras aeneus (Bronze Cory), adults unsexed, 2$ each or Group of 6 for 10$, Several groups available




Pseudotropheus acei.jpg

Otter point male.jpg

HRP Rio Danli_pair.jpg

HRP Rio Danli male.jpg

Corydoras paleatus.jpg

Corydoras aeneus.jpg

Corydoras aeneus_group.jpg