? about keeping catfisfish with peacocks?


I have a 75g with a kigoma and few peacocks. Wanted to know what type of catfish is best to keep in there? Are syno or raphael best or something else? Thank you

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I've always kept either s. multipunctatus or s. lucippinis with my peacocks, depending on the size of the tank. Both need to be in a group of at least 4


CCA Members
Synos or BN plecos are usually the best options for African cichlid tanks. The most common Syno options are multipunctatus and lucipinis(often mislabelled as petricola). They are from Tanganyika, so they prefer similar water conditions.


Your giant frontosa will eat anything that will fit into its mouth, including a catfish.


I have 3 juvies 3" for almost a month and he has never even snapped at them,he is 10".. With that said, not saying one morning they might not be in there when I wake up.
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If you are looking for bottom feeders i would suggest loaches or the Pleco's not the Synos. They grow fast and get big. I had one that was chasing my peacocks. You want to keep those hot males you got from me looking hot man.



If you are looking for bottom feeders i would suggest loaches or the Pleco's not the Synos. They grow fast and get big. I had one that was chasing my peacocks. You want to keep those hot males you got from me looking hot man.
Much thanx for the info Chris!! I wanted loaches but don't they get huge also? if they are slow growers I guess that would be good. I don't know too much about loaches. I'll research. thanx! would look nicer in the tank


A number of pleco species will work with Africans. No real reason a raphael cat couldn't work if you're not way high in pH and hardness and no real reason you can't keep your Africans pH in the 7s. It's not a combination I'd necessarily think of, but I've seen it before.

As for frontosa eating other fish, it's not at all a given. They're certainly capable, and occasionally one will, but many, especially tank raised, really aren't that predatory. I've kept them with a variety of fish for 15 years, more or less, and really no incidents with mine, even with fish that would be bite sized snacks if mine were so inclined. Along similar lines, I've seen people keep them with small Neolamps, for example, with no problems. Doesn't mean it never happens, I've also seen cases where they've tried to eat an adult peacock or decent size pleco, so they can vary individually and there's an element you can't predict 100%, but in a tank with regular feeding their propensity to eat other fish can be exaggerated.


A number of pleco species will work with Africans. No real reason a raphael cat couldn't work if you're not way high in pH and hardness and no real reason you can't keep your Africans pH in the 7s. It's not a combination I'd necessarily think of, but I've seen it before.

As for frontosa eating other fish, it's not at all a given. They're certainly capable, and occasionally one will, but many, especially tank raised, really aren't that predatory. I've kept them with a variety of fish for 15 years, more or less, and really no incidents with mine, even with fish that would be bite sized snacks if mine were so inclined. Along similar lines, I've seen people keep them with small Neolamps, for example, with no problems. Doesn't mean it never happens, I've also seen cases where they've tried to eat an adult peacock or decent size pleco, so they can vary individually and there's an element you can't predict 100%, but in a tank with regular feeding their propensity to eat other fish can be exaggerated.

yeah Im looking to move the Kigoma..the more peacocks I put in the more agitated its getting..its been fine withe the 6 peacocks I had but I think im up to 8 now..


...as an afterthought... especially in a tank with the temperament of peaocks, a raphael cat will likely appreciate his hiding places and you may not see much of it.


yeah Im looking to move the Kigoma..the more peacocks I put in the more agitated its getting..its been fine withe the 6 peacocks I had but I think im up to 8 now..
Fronts aren't fond of being crowded, especially by fish that are hyper by frontosa standards.


Fronts aren't fond of being crowded, especially by fish that are hyper by frontosa standards.

I had zaire before with no problems..but of course they were way smaller..this is my first time dealing with a large Kigoma


Come to think of it, 11,12 years ago I had a small group of adult spawning Burundi in a tank of haps and peacocks where the alpha male dominated the tank and bossed the Malawis; also, both alpha and beta Burundi were so preoccupied with competing for female attention they didn't seem bothered by the Malawis. The females on the other hand hid a lot in that tank except for spawning time. Prior to that I had a Kigoma that was clearly unhappy in the same basic setup, so I moved him to another tank.