A visit to our current president- Tony!


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Sweet pictures, Rach!

Thanks again for taking them as well as posting them up. I've been a real slacker in the photo department lately...

(please excuse the dirty glass, everyone)


invert junkie
he has quite a varied collection! In his defense, I didn't let him clean glass! LOL I was there to socialize for a non-fish event, and didn't want him taking time away from his host duties


Didn't know you had wild discus, Tony. Why is the big guy dark in the picture? Hope he is not sick.


invert junkie
they had been in the country less than 48 hours :) He got them on his recent collecting trip to Peru


Past CCA President
Great pics, Rachel.

Glad you chimed in on the acara id's, Matt. I was thinking the same thing but wasn't sure.
I gotta do some searchn and find your fish list, they are all gorgeous.

What kinda camera did you shoot the pics with? Excellentl work!


invert junkie
I shoot with a Nikon d7000. For the macro I use a tokina f2.8 for the "regular" shots I just used my kit lens, I cannot even remember what it is, I use it so infrequently.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I gotta go check your Amazonian stuff out...

And there's NEVER an excuse for dirty glass (unless you live in a glass house).

Matt's got the cleanest glass in town. ;)

You saw them last night... better in person, no?

Tony, your fish are awesome! Can you post more pics?

Thanks Dan. I'll bust out the Nikkon tonight. Will have new fish to photograph (coming in today!)

Great pics, Rachel!
Tony, what are the fish in the third pic?
Looks like Laetecara thayeri and Aequidens diadema :)

I purchased them at Panduro as a Bujurquina species. David Schlessor tells me that the second week they were on the trip (up river), they collected Bujurquina peregrinabunda (http://www.cichlidae.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8931). I am pretty certain that they are all the same fish. They all will show the "saddle" melanin pattern from time to time. I'm going to send that pic to Dave, Devon and Richter to get their opinions.

My Mo Co new world crew will have to come over for more careful observation some time soon to make a determination (bring beer). :happy0180:


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Awesome fish and amazing pictures Rachel! Wow.

Thanks buddy. :)

he has quite a varied collection! In his defense, I didn't let him clean glass! LOL I was there to socialize for a non-fish event, and didn't want him taking time away from his host duties

Too varied a collection, lol.

Didn't know you had wild discus, Tony. Why is the big guy dark in the picture? Hope he is not sick.

Yeah, it's a long story, but they came into the country last weekend (to the wrong person), spent 48 hours in a tank up north and then were reshipped to me late last week. When Rachel got the shots on Saturday, they were pretty banged up (scratched up and stressed out). They've since calmed down a bit and are starting to eat. I'll start a whole other thread just about them when I get a chance.

From reading on Simply Discus, wild fish will change dramatically over the first month in the tank. I'm glad Rachel was there to document what they first looked like. There are 13 total - ranging in size from about 3.5" up to 7".

Great pics Rachel, and nice collection Tony. I nominate Rachel as the permanent club photog :D

Thanks Barry! Rachel is great for sure. :)

I gotta do some searchn and find your fish list, they are all gorgeous.

I need to update my list. Have given away/sold most of my rift lake stuff over the last few months in preparation for the Peru trip.


Awesome pics of awesome fish from awesome people! Wow..wish to have a nice collection of predatory haps soon..

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