A. Stuartgranti "blue Neon" Or What?

Back in 2004, when I was hanging out at the Cichlid Forum, I posted a series of pics to guess what the little juvy peacock was. Similar to what I have done hear occasionally. Unfourtunately, I can't find the 2004 pix (having problems with one of my external hd where thousands of images are stored). Anyway, I decided to take a few photos today of the only surviving peacock from my all male Malawi peacock and hap tank. It turns out to be the "mystery peacock".

I bought it as a "blue neon". But it always had the traits of a "usisya". It is one of the "flavescent peacock" strains from the a. stuartgranti group. Just not sure which one it is.

I love bringing this old shoe out for debate every once in a while. So let's hear your oppinions.

This is the oldest shot I have stored that I can currently find. It was taken March 2005 (I think).

Here is one from June 2005. He started coloring up quickly.

This was him in March 2006.

You would think I most have some photos of him somewhere from 2007, but probably not. After losing most of my big guys, I didn't take many photos of the couple survivors. So here is one from today.

What is he? Steveni, Usisya, ???</span>

<span style="color:#000080">Btw, I did have a nice true "Blue Neon" too, at the same time.




I do not remember ever seeing a photo of this guy.

I think it has a strong resemblance to A. gertrudae, yellow extends past the gill plate and black in the fins.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Bobby, I have couple juvenile Aulonocara Blue Neon Violets and the males look like the following pictures;

Now, these are a collection pictures I found on the Blue Neon. It was a Peacock I was very interested in so I wanted to collect a bunch of photos to make sure I had the right one. Anyways, here is what I have and you tell me whether they look like your fish. In my humble opinion, I think it is a Blue Neon but a different one with an additional name.





Aulonocara stuartgranti steveni Hongi Island





It looks like a match to me.... but I'm really bad at ID'ing peacocks Bobby.

Another reason I would think that is what it is.... is where you got him from and the timing. Hongi was every where in 2004.


Master Jedi & Past VP
But ya know what's weird Sarah and Bobby, my Blue Neon looks just like that Hongi. I think this case needs more investigating.

I know for a fact that my Peacock is a Blue Neon because I bought it from a reputable LFS in NJ. They came highly recommended from a bunch of the NJ Cichlid Club Members. Even Larry from NJ who won Best in Show at the Catfish Convention knows the store. So I wouldn't think that they mislabeled them.

We shall see...Keep researching Bobby.


Since the LFS where I bought it didn't know the location, it will always be a guess...I suppose. Nevertheless, it is one of those "flavescent peacocks" that have the dark blue/black fins with the yellow body. :wacko:


Master Jedi & Past VP
Bobby, I truly believe that you have a Aulonocara Stuartgranti Hongi Mbamba Blue Neon Flavesent. LOL!!!

One thing we do know for a fact...it's definitely a Peacock;) Right?!!



I'm looking through Konings malawi book right now...

The only suartgranti types that have black in the dorsal in his book are...


Now that doesn't mean there aren't more types out there.

Still looking at these pictures side by side makes it a bit easier. undu is out.

Then looking at the pec fins.... mbowe is out.

That leaves kande and Hongi. I'm still leaning towrads Hongi though.