75 Gallon Tank List


Hey guys! I am getting a 75 gallon for Christmas and I was wondering if this is an okay stocking list:

1m 2F Demasoni

1m 2f Clown Labs (L. Chismanu)

1m 2f Yellow-Tail Acei

2 small clown loaches

1 African butterflyfish

1m 1f Calico Convict x HRP hybrids

And 6 small 3"-5" cichlids that I will decide on later and buy off of someone... And does anyone know anything about clown Lab breeding behaviours? I got a "trio" from a guy at Aquamania and that haven't bred yet... Any tips or tricks? My Sig is my 29 gallon aquarium right now.


Past CCA President
I'd stick to one region of cichlids per tank (either Rift Lake or New World, but not both). Sounds like since you'd like more fish in the tank, you'd be better off putting Rift Lake in the 75, but Christmas is still a long ways off. The 29 would be good for a pair of the HRP hybrids, but probably not much else.

I'm a New World keeper myself, so others with more experience will have more advice from thier own fishkeeping, but everything I have heard is that demasoni are mean little fish. I don't think a trio is enough to balance aggression. Most folks are keeping them in large groups to divide the aggression.

In any case, I'd hold off on buying more fish until you have another tank set up.


Oh I wasn't going to buy them now, I was just wondering If it was a good tank list. I think I will just grow out the HRPCC hybrids and sell them.


Clown loaches like to be in bigger groups to feel really comfortable and show you their great antics, 5+fish. Plus they get kind of big and boisterous. Not so sure they would fit in a cichlid tank long term.


CCA Members
Clown loaches like to be in bigger groups to feel really comfortable and show you their great antics, 5+fish. Plus they get kind of big and boisterous. Not so sure they would fit in a cichlid tank long term.

Good point.

Assuming the OP goes with the Malawi cichlids, I think the choice is demasoni(a lot more of them to be successful) or the clown loaches. The labs and acei are pretty mild and should be fine with clown loaches.

One note about clown loaches is they will eventually outgrow the tank. However they grow so slowly and the large ones are in enough demand, that they can be one of the few exceptions to the "don't buy what you can't house as an adult fish".