50/50 bulbs for Plants?


I think I read somewhere that 50/50 or blue actinic bulbs don't help with plants at all. All my fixtures have 10K and actinic bulbs. I like the looks of mixed lighting. But should I even turn the blue bulbs on during the day? If the blue bulbs do nothing for plants, then I am wasting energy by leaving the blue lights on during the day.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I think that they do provide a little bit, but probably not what a "white" bulb would (7K-14K). If your plants are thriving and no one is around during the day to appreciate the added color that the actinics provide, I'd go ahead and turn them off. If you can notice a decline in the plants health after a couple of weeks, you can always turn them back on.

Personally, I don't think not having them on will make all that much a difference, but I'm not a plant pro by any means. :)


The actinic spectrum is basically not a wavelength that plants can use as it more replicates saltwater/sea conditions for corals and the like. Some will argue it can add to algae problems, and some will say hogwash. Of course, as with anything, ask 10 people and you'll get 10 different answers. If you've got easy lowlight plants that can be ok with just one bulb I'm with ya on saving the energy and leaving the actinics off--until you're around to enjoy them.


Thanks guys! I will the lights off and see if that makes any difference in the plant growth.


I use either 6700k/10000k (1-piece dual bulb) or 2 6700k bulbs for FW plants. The actinic won't do anythng for them at all.


Global Moderators
I usually use 8k on my planted tanks. Since I can't find an 8k T5HO, I am using a combo of powerglo and 10k.


Generally the "ideal" spectrum for plants is between 6000-10000. The lower numbers tend towards yellow (which has benefits depending on what color plants you have) and the 10k gets towards the bluer/cooler white (but don't get your hopes up for "blue"). A lot of people will mix and do a 6700 and a 10000 over the tank to get a good mix of the full spectrum.