220 stocking ideas


Hey everyone! Long time member but not been very active the last decade. I have an empty 220g in wall tank. Sadly, I lost my stock about 2 months ago due to me topping off my sump and completely forgetting to turn the water off. Tank temp dropped and flooded half my basement on top of it. All fish were raised together since young and were aboit 4 years old. Pretty bummed to say the least.

I’ve always been a ca/sa guy but have had old world cichlids in the past. One of my favorites that I’ve never kept are fronts! Was wondering what other African cichlids do well w fronts?? Or if you have any other stocking ideas.



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It's good to hear from you. I've been around long enough to remember when you were more active in the club. Sorry to hear about the tank loss. A 220 would make a beautiful display tank for frontosa. I could see the addition of a group of smaller sized synodontis included. I don't have experience with frontosa, so I hope others who do have experience will chime in.