10, 15, 45 Gal Complete Setups

10 gallon: $40
--black hood w/incandescent light
--black cabinet stand
--hang-on heater
--Marineland 160 filter (needs biowheel and filter pad)

15 gallon: $60 tank
--glass top
--flourescent light
--oak cabinet stand
--hang-on heater
--Aquaclear 50 filter (has foam)
--plastic plants
--natural gravel (needs rinse)

45 gallon: $125 SOLD
--glass top
--flourescent light
--box frame stand
--submersible heater
--Aquaclear 500 filter (no foam)
10 gallon: $30
--black hood w/incandescent light
--black cabinet stand
--hang-on heater
--Marineland 160 filter (needs biowheel and filter pad)

15H gallon: $50 tank
--glass top
--flourescent light
--oak cabinet stand
--hang-on heater
--Aquaclear 50 filter (has foam)
--plastic plants
--natural gravel (needs rinse)