
  1. mchambers

    Nice Meeting Yesterday!

    Thanks to Josh of Batfish for an excellent presentation on Apistogramma. Well organized, informative, and concise! We also had a very good auction, with a wide variety of interesting fish, inverts, plants, and dry goods.
  2. chriscoli

    yesterday's fish panic

    I was in the fishroom yesterday when I noticed one of my adult male Ptychochromis oligacanthus (very awesome Malagasy cichlid with something hanging out of his mouth. On closer inspection, it turns out to be the back half of a pandy cory...
  3. Sonny Disposition

    No broken tanks yesterday, I take it?

    Glad I way overbuilt my stands. I copied the design from Ron's old fish house.
  4. msjinkzd

    Thanks for yesterday!

    Thanks to the CCA folks who came out to show their support at ACLC yesterday! Glad some of you could m ake it and then come hang out afterwards :) Special thanks to my ride, Michael Barber!
  5. why_spyder

    New Malawians From Yesterday's Swap Meet Cynotilapia afra Cobue Metriaclima flavifemina Maleri Island (seeking confirmation) Fossorochromis rostratus
  6. Jumbie

    Yesterday A.M. thunderstorm!

    Ok so I had to take the Sligo creek parkway to work yesterday because there were no traffic lights working and gridlock traffic everywhere you looked. After turning on the parkway from route 29 I see some large puddles nothing to sever look what happen after I went around the first turn...
  7. F8LBITE

    Shipped fish for the first time yesterday!

    I shipped (4) five inch fish yesterday all the way to Louisiana!!!! They made it safe and sound and the guy had them by 10:30 AM. So if a dummy like me can do it anybody can. Thanks to Jen Donkeyfish for hooking me up with some bag buddies. :D
  8. F8LBITE

    Vid of my Cobra club meeting yesterday!

    **This was all filmed in Mexico** I missed the cruise to "Jimmy Cones" because I had a fish club meeting to attend! :D
  9. T

    black calvus at yesterday's auction.....

    Anyone know who brought the black calvus to the auction yesterday?