
  1. Tony

    Wetspot Group Buy - Members Only

    One of the benefits of being a paid CCA member (besides local discounts, summer BBQ, holiday party, access to the members-only section of the forum, etc) is participation in group buys. We currently are running a group buy for last month's speaker, Steve Lundblad's store The Wetspot out of...
  2. dogofwar

    Wetspot Newsletter on Ancistrus

    Wetspot's Weekly Newsletter is about Bushynose Plecos this week. Here's the link to sign up: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1105280230497 The common Bushynose is a taxonomic mystery. Having been introduced into the hobby in the 1920's with no recorded collection...
  3. dogofwar

    Dave's Rare Fish and Wetspot Group Buys at AquaMania

    Not every vendor in America will be able to make it to AquaMania 2 (The Big Fish Deal)...but that doesn't mean that you can't buy fish from them! We're excited to announce that we're hosting Group Buys for Dave's Rare Fish (www.davesfish.com) and The Wet Spot...