For those that couldn't be there (or even those that were), check out Pectec's videos of the event!
You'll see a bunch of familiar faces in these:
Friday night:
Here are Matt Schauer's videos from his talk last Saturday. (For those of you who weren't there -- and why weren't you? -- it turned out his video wouldn't play on our laptop.)
Greater Chicago Cichlid Association has been holding swap meets for many years.
Here are a couple of videos to give you an idea of the scope of the event and techniques that folks use to market and sell their fish and supplies...
Start thinking about your set up...and what vendors you're...
Hey all,
Back in January, the club did our tank tours presentation at the monthly meeting. Jon Clark, Frank Cowherd and Sam Labudde did a heck of a job and collectively, put together one of the best programs I have seen anywhere. I lent a helping hand by making videos of Sam and Jon's...
Hey all,
Back in January, the club did our tank tours presentation at the monthly meeting. Jon Clark, Frank Cowherd and Sam Labudde did a heck of a job and collectively, put together one of the best programs I have seen anywhere. I lent a helping hand by making videos of Sam and Jon's tanks...
Of course, excuse the tanks where I didn't clean the glass first... my bad! LOL... hope you like them! (And the tank I am calling "Uraguay" is more due to the fish, than any attempt to exactly replicate a biotope... for you sticklers out there! LOL...)
My JD tank. The Male and Female are now with a new owner. GOOD LUCK DAVE. The juvis are now for sale. My girlfriend calls little piggies cause they eat so much.
My 20 long. Most of these are going in the 46 bf after the JDs juvis are gone...
Took these tonight on my sister's Flip.
First is of the 180 community. Lots of guys in there... some include: multiple peacocks, Nimbochromis venustus, Stigmatochromis sp. "spilostictus" type, Fossochromis rostratus, Protomeleas taeniolatus, Champsochromis caeruleus, Aristochromis christyi...
Stuck home for another snow day. After shoveling snow for an hour I have no energy to do the all those things I was going to do when I have free time.:)
But I do somehow find the time to look at my favorite fish and aquarium vidoes on YouTube.
So, here is my current favorite, post yours: (I...