
  1. Cleanwater

    African Side Neck Turtle

    African Side Neck Turtle, free to good home. Send PM if interested.
  2. JLW

    Big Fish Thank You and a Plea for Turtle

    Well, it's nearly midnight, and I'm just finishing putting stuff back away from the Big Fish Deal. It'll be a few days recovering, we are exhausted. :) I just want to give a big huge thank you to everyone who helped out at the BFD, either helping Batfish or at all! :) This was an incredible...
  3. Gokuson4

    WTB turtle equipment?

    Hi everyone, I just found a little box turtle the size of a quarter and thought I'd try raising it. I'm in need of lighting, heats...etc and and willing to pay for a used one if your selling. Please let me know or message me 301-300-3119 thank you!!
  4. fish

    Alligator Eat Turtle?

    Just out of curiosity Would an american alligator eat a red eared slider? I know i have seen caimans with turtles but not really gators. Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  5. festaedan

    turtle murderer

    A few days ago I got 2 2 inch map turtles in the mail. One of the turtles decides to kick the other one in the neck, later that day I noticed, that one of the turtles nail/claw is missing, and I look at the other one and see that the missing nail of the other turtle is protruding out of his...
  6. E

    Found in my driveway- Baby Gator Snappin Turtle

    I highjacked a pic from the internet but it looks identical, size and everything. My wife spotted it while we were taking our son to school this morning. We couldn't leave it, so it is swimming around in a tank in my house. He chose the right driveway I guess. Not sure what to do with it. I...
  7. neoprodigy

    Monster fly river turtle / pig nose turtle

  8. neoprodigy

    Monster Fly River Turtle / Pig Nosed Turtle

  9. NYfan78

    Turtle Tank

    I am not sure which part of the forum this belongs. I am thinking of converting the 55gal. tank to a water turtle tank. id get a dock for the turtle or 2 along with a canister filter. what else do i need? any suggestions?
  10. C

    Free- Box Turtle

    A couple months ago driving home I saw a turtle in the middle of the road. I picked up and took it home to relocate in the woods. I never got around to that part...I had an empty 40L and it seemed fitting to put it there. In hindsight I should have just relocated it because it was an impulse...
  11. neoprodigy

    My Turtle Trip Pix : RARE : LOAD WARNING

    i got invited to this turtle fanatic's place a while back...