
  1. hydrodmg

    trade yellow tail acei for yellow tail acei

    i have 14 yellow tail acei in which i would like to trade 7 of them for 7 yellow tail acei in return i am trying to keep the faimly tree rather bushy if you know what i mean :)
  2. Tarcan

    WTB or Trade 55 gallon tank

    I have 55 gallon (48" x 18" x 13") tank. I would like to trade with 50 gallon (36" x 18" x 17") tank. I can bring to next meeting.
  3. bschuhart


    I want to trade a 2010 Toyota Camry for $25,000 in fish stuff!
  4. T

    Mystery Vic group for trade.... A comprecisseps preferred

    I have a group of 4 (2M/2M I believe) vics (I thought they were Astatotilapia latifasciata "Zebra Obliquidens") but I'm not sure any longer. I'd like to trade for a pair or a group of juvi a.compressiceps "gold head". They have held a few times but I have not seen any fry in the tank. I have...
  5. cabinetmkr39


    I 'm look to buy or trade for some Juvie or fry Malawi haplochromis cichlids what is available in our club?
  6. jonclark96

    Trade a TV for a 20 Long

    My wife got us a new LCD TV for the bedroom for a christmas present, so I now have a used 29" old school TV. Everything works fine, I just don't have the need for it any more. So, I'm hoping that there is someone in the CCA that would like the TV. I know there isn't much value in used TV's...
  7. chris_todd

    FS or trade: Red Top Zebra

    I have a Red Top Zebra (Metriaclima pyrsonotos) that is pretty big (probably 7" TL or more, and about 1.5" in girth), and bullying most of the fish in my 65g Lake Malawi setup (all of whom are smaller than it). So, it's for sale. I have no idea what it's worth, so I'll say the first $5 offer I...
  8. C

    trade 125 for 120?

    anyone interested in trading their 4' or 5' >100 gallon tank for my 6'x18" 125? my tank is black trimmed 5 years old (in use for 4) with some superficial scratches just from moving rocks around will also consider a 90 but not really looking for anything smaller...want to stick with <6 ft...
  9. F8LBITE

    Trade me one discus?

    Hey I have a Stendker Marlboro red Discus at 4.5 inches and id like to trade for another color or leopard or snake skin. Let me know.
  10. T

    WTB or trade: Neolamprologus Brichardi (I have Multies)

    Hi there, I am looking for a group of Neolamprologus Brichardi. I am looking for a colony like 5? what's a good number to start? I am looking to either buy it or trade with multies. I have colony of multies, will be setting up webcam for viewing if needed thank you P
  11. L

    Convicts: For Free Or Trade

    I know this probably wont draw much interest but I am trying to lessen the bioload on my convict tank. I have about thirty juveniles/adults that I would like to move. If anyone is interested please feel free to contact me. I am in Herndon, VA. Thanks Rob Peterson 703-220-7049
  12. J

    Socolofi Fry For Sale Or Trade

    I have about 35 Socolofi fry for sale or trade. They are approx. 1" - 1.5" in length and show a nice blue color. They have been on New Life Spectrum pellets. I'm not looking to make a profit on this, but it would be great to support my hobby. Let me know if you are interested. I live in...
  13. longstocking

    Want To Trade....

    I have a bunch of mbuna (breeding groups) that I would love to trade for some peaocks or haps that will work in a 50 breeder (4 foot by 18 inches). 5 tropheops sp yellow pombo rocks.... not sure but i think 2 males 3 females F1 3 C. afras chitande 1 male 2 females 3 cobalts 1 male 2 felames...
  14. L

    Available For Trade

    I have the following for trade. If interested, let me know what you have and we'll dicker: Steatocranus tinanti - 2"+ Neolamprologus tetracanthus - 1.5"+ Crenicichla regani - 1"+ Neolamprologus caudopunctatus "Redfin" 1/2 - 3/4" Larry Tagrin