
  1. Avatar

    WTB or trade for 20 long glass top.

    Have lots of good HOB filters, air pumps, etc. +plants/fish. Regale me.
  2. B

    Fish F/S or trade at ECC auction

    I got some fish for sale and/or trade. We can meet up at the ECC auction or make other arrangements. Tang's -Juli. Gombe 3" to 2 1/2" several -Multis adults and 1" juvies Malawi -Cyno. Puulu 1 1/2" very similar to Hai Reefs -Cyno. Cobue Young adults 2 1/2" -Met. Mbweca 4m 4f adult colony...
  3. frkyltn

    *Wanted*looking for 55 gl and stand for sale or trade

    Im looking for a 55 gl and stand (black wood or nice metal stand)to buy or tarde with my 46 bow and black wood stand..jst wnt to upgrde my 46 to a 55..thanx (pic is of my 46 and stand)
  4. Julie

    wanting to trade... 120 gallon for corner 90/70

    Posting for a friend in Gilbertsville PA. He has a 120gallon 4' x 2' x 25" tank/stand + more to trade for a corner tank/stand. He'd also be interested if someone just wants to sell the corner tank.
  5. ddavila06

    plants for sale or trade

    well, i had sold it on APC but because of the heat wave a refunded the money to the guy, i rather not sell that do bad bussiness,..... anywho, this is what i have, for sale now. can deliver to ACA Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia", one large (LARGE) stem with numerous side shoots, like...
  6. T

    Alpha Baenschi for trade......

    Nice fish, too rough and tumble for my understocked 150. Clever though, he keeps attacking my one-eyed phenochilus from his blind side so you might be able to train him as a circus fish. Great as a breeder or for a well stocked show tank. Would like to trade him for either a peacock (or a...
  7. R

    for sale or trade sulphurhead

    I have a 5" protomelas spilontus "sulphurhead", (pretty sure that's what he is), that I would like to sell or trade. I want a male Taiwan Reef, but would consider trades for any male with good color of any type copadichromis, rubenscens/german red, otopharynx lithobates. Located in Rising...
  8. Avatar

    Willing to trade any of my items...

    ...under the 'What are you bringing to the meeting thread?' for a couple of large flower pots, regular clay or glazed, or maybe even plastic/other if they're not junky/ugly. I do mean large - something approaching the size of a 5 gallon bucket would be swell. Could also just buy them if anyone...
  9. ddavila06

    Red Root Floaters & Giant Duckweed for sale or trade

    anyone wants some? i would like to ship it out tomorrow.. asking $7.50 shipped or come pick it up got anything to trade?:D i have like a sandwich bag-full-or can divide into two of red roots and a (brine shrimp netfull) of giant duckweed if you can come pick up you might score some freebies..i...
  10. N

    Stands, will trade of other stands.

    I have a 36x18 pine cabinet in great shape. Also 2 75 gallon angle iron stands. I need a few small racks and now that I moved into an apartment my ability to build things is severely diminished. I need one about 40''x22''x24'' Something that will accommodate 3 stacked 20Ls And one 36x18...
  11. rsanz

    WTB or trade - 40g long tank.

    I'm looking for a 40g long rectangular tank to set up a river biotope. If anyone has one or knows someone who does, please post here or direct me to their attention if they are willing to sell. I also have a standard 55g tank that I am willing to trade for the 40g long straight up. Thanks!
  12. rich_one

    Stuff For Trade...

    Couple things... I have a used 200 watt stealth heater, and 2 digital light timers by EcoPlus... the one's Ken's Fish sells. These are actually brand new. I just decided I like the old school ones better. I've been doing some major tank renovation... so some more stuff might come up, but...
  13. Rasta Fish

    Forsale or Trade

    Anyone interested in buying a 33gl long tank, Metal stand and light for $60.00 or trade for a 3 feet setup It can also setup as a dual setup with a 55 gallon tank on top This is a 4 feet long tank and i don't have space for a 4' tank I do have space for a 3 feet tank so a trade would also be...
  14. TheNewGuy

    for sell or trade

    i need to get ride of a 40 gal breeder b4 i move. Its in good shape with fish in it now . 40 breeder with glass top for 40 bucks. Or ill trae for small tank, filters etc. pm if u want it
  15. ddavila06

    Fake plants and cichlid food for sale or trade

    up for sale, or trade, some goodies that came with the tank i won at the catfish convention :eek: yeah well, i don't have any large cichlids and all my tanks are planted so they don't belong here :D send me cash offers please or posibilities for trade include curviceps, apisto male...
  16. Dmhcichlids


    Looking to buy or trade for some Julidochromis. I have some ruby red peacocks and Ngara peacocks for trade
  17. D

    Wtb or trade

    I'm looking for compressiceps and leleupi. If interested in some trading I have frontosa Burundi bout 2" and I also have a colony of 11 depending on what you have. Let me know! Thanks
  18. Avatar

    Where's the allegiance to New World species? Bolivian Rams to trade.

    Africa, Africa, Africa. Go figure. Have about 50 1"-2" F1 Rams to barter that are spry, ravenous and ready for adventure. Not the most exotic species perhaps but fairly marvelous in their own right and beautifully colored. Generally boisterous only with their own kind, so an excellent...
  19. Rasta Fish

    Trade Female Red Fin Borleyi for Male

    Does any one have a grown Male Borleyi Red Fin they would be interested in trading for a fully grown 6" + female? I have 2 females looking to trade one for a male i can bring to the meeting this Saturday
  20. hydrodmg

    trade kenyi for kenyi

    any interest in swapping i have many in various sizes but mostly 3/4 to 1 inch