
  1. Dmhcichlids


    Fluval 405 all attachments (6months old) 55 gallon aquarium wood trim with black hoods and lights. 29 gallon aquarium black trim with black hood and light strip whisper air pump 1" electric yellow labs Adult breeding pair brown bristlenose plecos Adult breeding pair julidochromis maleri...
  2. lgfelic

    FT: Apistogramma bitaeniata male

    Hello, I have 2 A. bitaeniata males (wild caught) and would like to trade one for any of the following: A. barlowi, panduro, bitaeniata (Female only) Nannacara anomala (male or pair) Please PM me if interested in trading. Thank you.
  3. 8

    F1 carpintis FS or trade Chicago/ Joliet

    I got a bunch of them to breed and I have figgerd out witch ones I want to keep there about the size of my palm heare is a pic of one in my tank. I'm really looking to trade for other cichlids the same size or bigger or gars. Sent from my XT603 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  4. fishman13

    Trade LED Fixtures

    I have a 48" led light fixture +moon lights thats to big for my tank and I need a 36" led fixture +moon lights. Will trade the 48" for a 36"+ an item you wish to include in the trade because its a 48" I am trading. Thanks
  5. Avatar

    Trade goods/sale items

    Since the auction rules now inexplicably and most inconveniently (for some of us) require sellers to hang about until the cessation of hostilities, this is a list of items that are available BEFORE Saturday's meeting. I am partial to trades for Aquaclears, T5 fixtures, groovy non-bloodthirsty...
  6. Dmhcichlids

    WTB or trade for 55gallon wood cabinet stand

    Im looking for a 55gallon wood not particle board cabinet stand in excellent condition. Willing to buy or trade .Please pm me with description pics price. thanks
  7. jonclark96

    Trade - 40 Breeder Versatop

    I picked up a new versatop for my new 40 breeder set up. Apparently, there are two different size tops for 40 breeders, as the versatop is about 1/4" too big to sit flush in the frame on my tank. I'd like to trade it for one that is the right size. If you have a top on a 40 breeder that seems...
  8. rsretep

    wtb or trade for Male pelvicachromis pulcher(s)

    Anyone have a few males they need or want to sell or trade? bought six at auction, seems I have all ladies
  9. lgfelic

    FT: Ruby Red Peacock young

    I have about 12 young between 0.75 - 1.25". Some are already displaying markings of a dominant male. Interested in trading them for invertebrates (shrimp, crays, assassin snails). Might consider some other stuff too. Pics of parents and the fry a few weeks ago. Questions? Feel free! (PM Me!)
  10. fishman13

    I am looking to buy or trade for

    Sorry i dont know the names of the fish- 1. 2. 3. is this a denasioni 4. 5. i think this ones called the bumble bee mbuna 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
  11. ddavila06

    Some plants and fish for sale or trade

    hey all! i have some crypts available: medium nurii with runners and plantlet, small usterianas, 2-3 plants and some fish: 2-3 corydoras aeneus 2 common bushynose youngsters born in my 75 1 male apistogramma bitaeniata wild caught by M. Barber what do you have? im interested in...
  12. fishman13

    for sale or trade Bio Balls

    I got a box full of bio balls from msjinkzd and their are a bunch of left overs. Make an offer if you would like some. Thanks
  13. fishman13

    Looking to buy or trade

    Labidochromis chisumulae Tropheops sp. "Red Cheek" 29 tall LED light strip 20 Long LED light strip Cardinal tetras Neon tetras Male and female guppies Breeder traps Female red zebra 3 1/2 in Female hongi 3 1/2 in
  14. S

    FS or Trade Synodontis

    FS or Trade, A Synodontis Featherfin Catfish, Synodontis eupterus. Make offer. Gets on well with Haps and Mbuna and all other medium sized cichlids. Specimen is 3+ inches. Can bring it for the Januatry 14th meeting.
  15. T

    I need a female red-head comp, male 4 trade

    Oops.... make that "gold-head" Hey guys, like the title says, I have two males and thats no fun. Males are about 3-3.5". Anyone have a female to trade? I should be at the meeting next week.
  16. cabinetmkr39

    FS or trade breeding groups Multi's and Julies

    I have a breeding group of Julidochromis Regani with juvies about 30 fish total. also a breeding group of Lamprologus Multi's "Shellies" with juvies and fry. about 30 or more fish. make offer I can bring to next meeting.
  17. Thlim

    Red Cherry Shrimps for sale or trade

    I have about +35 Red Cherry Shrimps for sale. I'm selling them for $40 dollars. I also want to trade them with Apistogramma 1 or 2 pairs. They are all mixed male/female and size about 2-3cm. If you are interested, please send me a PM:D
  18. Malawimania

    Looking to Trade

    So I have about 60 1.5 inch venustus(beautiful and only 1.5 inches), 30 1.5 inch yellow labs, and 35 2 inch blue neon peacocks(unsexed). Looking for a 55 gallon tank or larger, any aulonocara, haps, tangs, victorian, cool plecos, sydonis., or new filter media. -Steve
  19. peacockobsessed

    40 gallon breeders FS or trade

    Have three 40 gallon breeder tanks with glass canopy for sale or trade. One with crushed coral $90, one with black/white cichlid sand $90 and the other without substrate $80. Will trade for larger tank such as 120 or larger. All 3 tanks and canopies are less than one year old.
  20. cabinetmkr39

    Wtb or trade for Angelfish

    Hey all you angelfish breeders, I'm starting a tank for my wife and she likes angelfish and severums , I want something small about quarter size body. Whats available? I'll be at the meeting saturday.