C'mon Guys, does no one have one they can part with? I have a male to trade or will purchase though I would prefer to move one of the short fin males I have. I will be at the meeting Saturday.
I have a jack dempsey breeding pair forsale or trade, i will sell the pair for $50 or willing to trade for a Large pink convict pair. I just took the free swimming fry from the pair and will get pics soon, if interested please call or text me at 410-800-9742.
I have an 8 yr old. 16 inch Dovii to trade for some comps and calvus. He is currently in a 120 gal. Want to make it a comp and calvus setup. Preferably looking for nice size comps and calvus. Willing to possibly add some cash for the right trade. Thanks for looking.
Beautiful dovii. Has been living solo his entire life. So his fins are full length and damage free. Great color and healthy appetite.
I am heading in a different direction with my tank so I need find him a good home
Willing to trade for younger monster fish like festea, argentea...
SO with my recent acquisition came a 10" pleco I promised to place in a great home. He kind of overpowers everything I have going on or want to have going on.
I'd prefer to trade him for a few small docile fish for my daughters tank, guppies, mollies, tetras, etc... Swords we have plenty...
i have 3 bags of Flourite Dark Substrate that i bought not long ago and ...i overbought..
i paid $18 ea. im asking $18 ea
i also have Apistogramma Cacatuoides Orange Flash, these are about one inch max down to about 1 cm the smaller one. i would like to trade for other apistos...waht u...
I have 3-4 2.5in brushmouths to trade for a small group of silver angles or plants. Plants I am looking for are amazon swords. Or a piece of drift wood.:D
I will get the specs when I get home but its a LED + Moon light 36' fixture. Works great. I will post pics when I get home but I am looking to trade it for a 36' t-5
So today I received some bad news. I was waiting to hear about a cache of large tanks which had been mothballed for 5 years. 2/ 300g and from what I understand several 55 and 75 gallon tanks. Well, as it turns out I the 2/300G tanks were sitting in storage in a family barn and workshop...
So I have an abundance of fish I would like to trade or sell. I'm looking for haps and peacocks at least 3 " plus males. I live in Harford County Bel Air area. Heres what I have currently. I can try to post some pics sometime soon.
Bi Color Maulana 3" (Mostly Males)
Nimbochromis Venustus...
Steve Nash going to the Lakers...Say Whaaaaat!!!!!
I like Nash and would love to see him get a title before he leave the game for good....but the LAKERS !!!!
Just thought I would put all my fish for sale in one thread.
First is my kml/zz flowerhorn. He is about 9 inches or so big, very bulky, with a nice kok. He eats everything including pellets, earthworms, dried krill, tilapia, and super worms. I think he is pretty nice so I would like to get...
Not mine but I love ads like this - not a bad deal for someone who knows what they're doing.