
  1. dogofwar

    Carolina Aquatics Trade Show 2015 - Jan 31

    Looks like fun... and cool to see all parts of the hobby coming together: Vendors from all across the southeast will bring you a wide selection of Freshwater, Marine, and Reef livestock as well as aquaria related equipment, food, additives, and many, many other supplies. We have a great line...
  2. Digital

    Looking to buy or trade for red empress

    Looking for a male red empress, greater than 3" . Please send a PM I do have a few species for trade Marlin Sent from my SCH-I545 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  3. MontelBoom

    FS: large goldfish $7/for trade

    I have a rescued Comet goldfish that i've had for about a year but now that i've moved on from community tanks to cichlids over been trying to find a new home for it. Its about 8 inches and in a 20 long for now until I can find someone with a bigger tank for it or preferably a pond. Ill sell it...
  4. D-money

    WTB or Trade for Adult Male Cuban Cichlid

    Like the title says, I'm looking for an adult Cuban male for a breeding project. I have a pair now but the male is 12yrs old and I don't think he's up to the task. The female has laid 4 batches of eggs and none have been fertilized. So looking for a younger male for my female to work with :wub:
  5. T

    Syno Pleurops for Syno lucipinnis trade?

    I picked up 2 Synodontis pleurops at Catcon and am hopeful someone might have some interest in them. Would like to trade for a group of juvie 2"+ Synodontis lucipinnis. My guys are about 3.5" and came from the Wet Spot. If anyone is nterested drop a pm or repsond in line. Thanks! Joe
  6. O

    Africans for sale or trade

    I have a few random fish for sale or trade. Measurements are approximate and done by eye but should be close. 6" Copadichromis chrysonotus White Blaze $20 3.5" Red empress uncolored could be a female $10 4.5" Copadichromis azureus VERY blue show male $25 4.5" Dragonblood (nice!) $20 3"...
  7. S

    For Trade Kens Cichlid Pellets 5.5mm

    Kens CPremium Cichlid Pellets 5.5 mm unopened package available for trade. Want to trade for a smaller pelllet size, any brand conidered (unused).
  8. Cbaker

    Trade Ruby Red for a lemon Jake Anyone?

    Hello, I would like to trade this ruby red 4.5" male for a lemon Jake could be 2.5-3" male. The are two seperate fish i can trade either one. Please PM if interested. Thanks.
  9. Greg31

    Big Bichirs! Odoe Pike! Trade for Africans! Upper Marbloro!

    Just looking to change my tank up. I know you guys mostly have africans. I am just looking for something more colorful for my 150g. Would like to trade my fish for a complete new set up (fish). Tikinso Endli 15" Ansorgii Lap 15" Ornate 17" Delhezi 12" Odoe 10"
  10. Cbaker

    African Cichlids for sale or trade

    I have a few beautiful and healthy fish that I would like to rehome. I can also trade for the following: bi-color male, lemon Jake male and or Azures male. 3-3.5" will be ideal. Please see my list below: 1 male Venestus 5" $25 2 male OB's very nice colors 5" $20 ea 1 male ruby red 3" $15 1...
  11. Jmoore

    Trade 30 breeder for 20 high

    Hello, I'd like to trade a 30 breeder that is drilled in the top corner for a 20 gallon high. I can bring it to the next mtg Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  12. Cbaker

    Trade otter Point male for a Sunshine/Benga Male

    Hello, Does Anyone have any Benga male 3-4" that they would would like to trade for a otter point male and a female red shoulder and or a T- reef female? they are 3-3.5" Please PM me if you interested. Sorry about the pics they are not that great. Thanks.
  13. Cristy

    FS/T: 125 gal + equipment

    I have a 125g in very good condition with glass tops, 2 HOB filters and 2 heaters. I'd like to trade for a 75g tank only, with preference for a "reef-ready," or drilled tank. If you don't have a trade, I will sell for $125 to members. It will not fit in my car, so you must pick it up.
  14. Jmoore

    Tank for trade

    Hello, I have a 20 high that was my first somewhat big tank that I recently took down. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trading it for a 20 long. I could throw something else in to make it an even trade. The 20 high is almost new and only has a few scratches, I think 1 on front...
  15. TMSB805

    For Sale/For Free/For Trade

    90 gallon tank $70 (plenty of scratches,not a show tank for sure, back painted black) 48" Aqueon Dual T5 $65 24-36 current satellite LED $40(1 month old) Male Cryptoheros Panamensis 4" $10 Astatheros Longimanus 4" Free I can bring items to the next meeting except the tank. Willing to trade...
  16. TMSB805

    For Trade 220g

    I have a 220 oceanic currently set up in garage that i'd like to trade for a 180. The issue with the 220 is the original owner broke the center plastic braces so he had 2 metal braces fabricated. I'll get pictures later this evening. The tank has a tinted black back, one big scratch on the...
  17. Acpape0

    malaysian driftwood for trade

    I removed the malaysian driftwood from my 125. I am looking to trade it out for some full color peacock or haps. It is 3 different pieces that come together to form a pretty cool looking stump. I do not want to sell only trade ( apparently I have spent way to much $$ on fish stuff recently...
  18. J

    1500 - 2000 bio balls sale or trade

    Asking 65.00 dollars or trade from some tanganyikians. I bought 3000 maybe used a third or less and have way too many left over ha . Thanks in advance for your interest
  19. miguelgr7

    Rare Apistogramma Megaptera for sale or trade!!!!

    I have only 1 male, For more info please sent me PM thanks
  20. kevin911

    For trade only : Synodontis

    I have 4 Syndontis total up for grabs. (2) 6-7'', 1 that's about 5-6'' (multi Synodontis) and 1 baby 2-3'' Synodontis Im interested in a lot of random items : Aquaclear110 (: Shrimps Ecco pro impeller pair of nice Bettas from Zack :P I really don't have anything in mind so feel...