
  1. blkmjk

    Total Surprise!

    Got my membership card in the mail today. I don't even remember giving anyone my address. The body has spoken and the elected have listened! Thanks Ruth! If only it worked that well on the national electorate level! Drew
  2. Thai

    48" aqua medic aqualight MH/PC 2x250w MH and 2x24w PC 548w total output!

    Just purchased this light and deciding it's overkill... It's got two plugs and one shows signs of a little melting, previous owner said it fried an underpowered powers trip. It works as is but he also gave me an extra cord. Its 7/10 cosmetically but solid and built like a German tank! 130$...
  3. J

    SAD DAY - Total loss

    So I got home from work and noticed a dead multie in our multie tank. When I looked closer, I noticed the ALL of them were dead. I put my hand inside and noticed that the water was hot. Apparently the heater malfunctioned and the fish died quickly. They were fine when we left the house this...
  4. blkmjk

    Total Re-Stocking Blowout Sale

    Ok with eyes full of tears of joy and heart heavy. I'm making room for newly acquired stock. Here is a new list of available fish. Sp. Turquoise group of five biggest is 3+" smallest at 2" would like to sell the group for 50$ but I would give these to a reliable club member who had the ability...