
  1. B

    FS/FT- Chocolate cichlid- Timonium, MD

    Hi all, I'd like to rehome one of my chocolate cichlids since they're starting to get a bit rough with each other (they ignore the other fish though). The chocolate is around 4 inches long, very fat eats well. Its red/green colors are starting to come out really nicely too. For trades, I'm...
  2. Raven20

    New Store in Timonium Md

    http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=4xyxu4jab&v=001_bDIN3xz3MxRMNTCNjH0IB1ih0hHA5Wb2AQOT8V9ZOJfqjS6utn0lBUHxO6GzRNXuE-g03iNnHsWw8tLNGyHloUBvlIVLVY0dbq5t7WuBXc%3D I think this may be the old Exotic Aquatics
  3. dogofwar

    Reptile Show in Timonium

    My daughter and I went to the Mid-Atlantic Reptile Show (MARS) today in Timonium (http://www.reptileinfo.com/Home.aspx ) and all I can say is, "Wow!"... It was at the Maryland Fairground and the exhibitors filled a building. Each table was pretty much covered in plastic containers of lizards...