
  1. Cbaker

    Talking about biting off more than you can chew!

    SO I had this Azures with some Juvies for a few months so he could color up before i introduce him to the male tank. After a few Months of watching him looks like he took a drastic turn and decided he's a man now. He grab one of the dragon blood juvie and choack on it. i tried to pull it out but...
  2. Prince

    Talking fish

    Talking fish.
  3. L

    ....and you thought we annoyed each other with our talking

    ...but apparently it can be harmful to the fish as well. Here fishie, fishie, fishie.
  4. kaj41354

    Look who's Talking about Tangs at ACLC this Month!

    Saturday May 21st at 1:00PM at That Fish Place Lake Tanganyika : Petrochromis, Gobies, Sand Sifters, and the Odd Ball Cichlids of Lake Tanganyika by Sarah Roberts (Longstocking) Sarah has been a fish hobbyist for over 20 years, but it wasn't until more than halfway thru those 20...
  5. Pat Kelly

    March Meeting of the ACLC. Look who's talking

    Saturday, March 19th - “Freshwater Invertebrates: Myths & Misconceptions” by Rachel O'Leary
  6. Pat Kelly

    March Meeting of the ACLC. Look who's talking

    ACLC March Meeting Saturday, March 19th - Freshwater Invertebrates: Myths & Misconceptions by Rachel O'Leary This presentation will largely be about some of the biggest myths about invertebrates as well as appropriate tank setup and overviews of several of the most common encountered...
  7. SubMariner

    Talking Guitar

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  8. maddog10

    Talking Smilies!

    Can we get talking smilies, or are they to much money? I think we need like 200 different ones! They just help me express my feelings. :lol: