
  1. Vinh2o

    I tripped myself in my own self talk.

    I had a mind drift & asked myself do I like a few big tanks or a bunch of small ones. If I was forced I think I would prefer a few big ones. Right now I am at 11, as big as 125 all the way down to 40B. I just hope that day does not come anytime soon when I forced to make a decision. What would...
  2. jonclark96

    Special 2nd Talk at The May Meeting!

    Special 2nd talk for May! As some of you may remember, Abby Siegel, one of our CCA members, posted up a thread about his son's work in breeding the pygmy octopus at the Mote Aquarium in Florida. We are fortunate that Brian Siegel, Abby's son, will be in town on May 14th and will give a short...
  3. festaedan

    What should my talk be about?

    I will be doing a talk at one of the meetings and I really liked Zacks idea of a pole. I could do one on stingrays, wild type live bearers, the genus archeocentarchus and similar species or large aggressive oddball fish. I also left an other category just incase anyone else has any ideas. Also...
  4. dogofwar

    Thanks Repashy Superfoods for Sponsoring Shane Linder's Talk!

    Thanks to Allen Repashy of Repashy Superfoods for sponsoring Shane Linder's talk on "Exploring the Natural Habitats of the Loricariidae" at AquaMania 2 (The Big Fish Deal)! Check out all of the formulations here: There will be some great...
  5. dogofwar

    Thanks Don and Hydra Forum for Sponsoring Pam Chin's Malawi Talk!

    Thanks Don Boyer and Hydra Forum for sponsoring Pam Chin's talk on Lake Malawi. Please check out Hydra Forum at Pam's going to provide and overview of Lake Malawi cichlids and some of the conservation efforts in place - should be great! Matt PS Thanks again for sponsoring...
  6. Vieja man

    Fish Talk

    hey Drew> Thanks for the visit today> had a great time discussing fish and the Hobby
  7. Sonny Disposition

    Native fish talk: May GWAPA Meeting, this Saturday

    Details here:
  8. mchambers

    Based on Arthur's Talk last Saturday

    I heavily fed my corydoras Sunday and Monday, and then did not feed the last three days. Wednesday night, I lowered the water in four tanks that have corydoras, to about 50%. Tonight, when the storm hits, I'll remove some more water, and then refill with a mixture of tap water and rainwater...
  9. chriscoli

    How Bacteria Talk

    During my various bacteria-related rants and commentary, I occasionally mention that bacteria can communicate (called quorum sensing). Here's a great TED Talk that does a fantastic job explaining what's going on in general terms. It also has a really cool bit about how one type of squid is...
  10. Rasta Fish

    NBA Trade talk anyone?

    Steve Nash going to the Lakers...Say Whaaaaat!!!!! I like Nash and would love to see him get a title before he leave the game for good....but the LAKERS !!!!
  11. BubbaJay

    Any suggestions??? Tank Talk

    Thought I would post my Cichlid tank and see what everyone thought. I am open for suggestions since I am fairly new to Cichlids. Love the fish though!!! Just a little info on the tank. It's a 110 Gallon Tall (60x23x18) with a corner overflow and 55 gallon sump. I am running a 1000 GPH lift pump...
  12. Sonny Disposition

    Native Killie Talk, this weekend at PVAS

    (Undeniably) SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION: I'm giving a talk on killifish of the United States, this Saturday, at the Potomac Vally Aquarium Society Meeting. You may be interested in the part about pupfish-- little fish that, like many cichlids, establish a territory...
  13. iamzrad

    Let's talk paint

    I'm reorganizing my fish room, errr I mean "family room" and alas painting the backs of my tanks. I presume the go to paint is the Krylon Fushion Plastic? Has anyone ever used the light blue color of that paint before? Have any photos? Or if there is another paint out there, suggest it please.
  14. SubMariner

    Let's talk Fish guys!

    Let’s talk fish guys! Hey, did you know that we’re hosting an American Cichlid Association Convention on July 21-24th? In other words, it’s a very large fish convention for fish geeks like us! Here is the Website for more info There will be...
  15. mscichlid

    Pike in Matt's talk?

    What was the name of the small pike in Matt's talk that was on the bottom right of the slide? Tembe something or other?
  16. emartin

    Heaters...lets talk about the "other" brands...

    Has anybody used any heaters from brands other than Ebo Jager or Visi-therm? (I haven't, which is why I am asking) What are your thoughts on these other brands? Would you recommend them over the Jagers or the Visitherms? I'm personally looking for feedback on these brands/models: Azoo...
  17. mchambers

    Talk about high PH! The sludge spilling into the Danube has raised the PH of local streams to 13 and that of the Danube to 8.5. The article quotes an "expert" as saying it's only a small change to the Danube and therefore is not harmful to fish...
  18. fischfan13

    Sarah's Talk!

    How many people here are excited about Sarah giving her first ever talk?
  19. hollyfish2000

    Bad hurricane season predicted -- let's talk generators

    According to this morning's Washington Post, this is predicted to be a "Top 10" hurricane season. There was an article on generators in the Real Estate section. I'd love to hear what you all have done about this. I have battery-powered air stones on hand, which is great for a short outage. But...
  20. Pat Kelly

    Which talk

    Okay, talking with Chuck this weekend I mentioned the poll feature on here. He asked me to run one so here goes. If Chuck were to come back in the next year or so, which talk.