
  1. DiscusnAfricans

    Group Buy for The Wet Spot Tropical Fish

    The Wet Spot has generously offered to allow registered Aquamania attendees to participate in a group buy and pick up their orders at the event. They have also offered a 7% discount on a total order of $500 or more, and 10% off an order of $750 or more. This discount also applies to their lot...
  2. dogofwar

    Pelvicachromis in this week's Wet Spot Newsletter

    Not sure about other folks but I get the newsletter from The Wet Spot most weeks. It's got great pictures and is really informative...and best yet they have the fish in stock :) I couldn't get the pictures to copy... To sign up, go to...
  3. hollyfish2000

    My pretty mustard spot

    I have two. It's hard to get a good shot as they are quite shy. I got them from Jesse in October and they've put on some size. Lovely trailers!
  4. catfishXhunterX

    Red devil/Midas werd tail spot...

    Recently my red devil(or Midas whatever he/she may be) has developed a weird spot on his/her tail...kinda almost looks like a pimple actually...seems happy and healthy as its been there for about 2 weeks or so now and hasn't gotten any bigger...or smaller for that matter. Ive added an album in...
  5. AfricanCichlid

    wtf is an egg spot

    wtf is an egg spot Sent from my iPod touch using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  6. Pat Kelly

    another spot where CCA will be seen

    The CCA goes to great lengths to get the word out about our club. You see them here and there. Here is the latest one.
  7. fishfarm

    One spot open for Uruguay trip

    I had someone cancel so I have one spot open for this trip. I need to fill it ASAP Ken Hi Guys, I am takeing reservations for my next trip to Uruguay, 10 people max, cost is $1,550 per person plus your airfare. A nonrefundable deposit is require to hold your spot. Leave November 29th and return...