
  1. chriscoli

    ACLC tomorrow - Wayne Leibel is speaking

    Anyone heading up to the ACLC meeting tomorrow? Wayne Leibel is speaking.
  2. J

    Speaking of Craigslist--free tank listed

    FYI--Someone just posted a craigslist for a free 55 gallon tank and stand. Listed as Herndon, Va.
  3. chriscoli

    Les Wilson will be speaking at our next meeting!

    Les Wilson (from Cobalt International) will be speaking at our next meeting! Brief overview of the talk: The talk will be a primer on fish nutrition, starting with the basic dietary needs of fish and how we want to augment those needs with to keep them in top shape and color in the captive...
  4. zackcrack00

    Any Speaking Suggestions?

    So as I'm preparing for tomorrow, I'm practicing my presentation. From anyone who's done this, or even anyone who's noticed a flaw in someone's public speaking, do you have any suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  5. chriscoli

    What would you want in a Fishroom - Hypothetically Speaking

    So let's just say....hypothetically speaking....that your significant other is interested in looking for a new house with a little more room than you have right now. let's just say that this move would allow you to get a better fishroom than you currently have. So in looking at houses, what...
  6. dogofwar

    Rachel Speaking at CCY May 31 Meeting

  7. Beeman

    Speaking of Geophagus...

    Among Geos, is there a species that is less prone to large scale substrate rearrangement? I will have an empty 50 that I'm looking to reoccupy. Geo. altifrons are one that I really am thinking seriously of getting. So different, beautiful and peaceful(I guess!). I think they would make a cool...
  8. Beeman

    Speaking of sponge filters

    Want to include a couple of sponge filters in my 90. I'd like to drive them with the lowest profile power-head possible,or is that over-kill for a sponge. What do you guys/gals drive yours with, power-heads or air-stones? As always, much thanks.
  9. kaj41354

    Look who's speaking at the ACLC!

    Saturday January 15th at 1:00PM at That Fish Place in Lancaster PA CULTURING LIVE FOODS FOR YOUR FISH by Frank Cowherd Frank will talk about how to culture infusuria, microworms, vinegar eels, grindal worms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Why? Because live foods get your breeders in breeding...
  10. Pat Kelly

    Speaking Of Catfish

    Speaking of kitties. Don't forget that there will be another Catfish Convention in October. Please make sure you groom some of your Cichlids for the show portion.. There is no reason that CCA should not dominate all of the classes in Cichlids.
  11. S

    Speaking Of Infants

    Check this out: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3920183.stm Cheers, Steve