
  1. Jelimafish

    Similis Shell Dwellers Started Breeding

    I was sitting watching my fish tank and noticed a lot of little things moving near a shell. I thought maybe some food got stuck in the current or something and went to investigate and found that I actually have fry in the tank! I will try to get some better photos but needless to say I am...
  2. Jelimafish

    Ordered Similis, Received Multis, Need Advice.

    Almost 2 months ago I ordered the last 4 Similis and received them and they were Similis, a little smaller then described but beautiful healthy fish. I have been scouring the internet to find some more and then I finally found some. I ordered 4 more last Wednesday, they shipped Thursday, and...
  3. Jelimafish

    Looking for African Shell Dwellers

    I recently set up a 20L for Shell Dwellers and placed an order for 6 Neolamprologus Similis which fell through when the seller sold more then he had which has placed me in a bit of an awkward position. The aquarium is currently fully cycled with perfect conditions and today I found out the bad...
  4. C

    WTB: Pair of Shell Dwellers

    I'm new to cichlids and want to try keeping some shell dwellers. I've had success keeping guppies, tetras and rainbow fish in my tanks. I like the way N. similis and N. multifasciatus look but I'm open to try other shell dwellers that are used to the water in this area.
  5. thedavidzoo

    WTB: N. multifasciatus or similis

    Looking for 3+ multis or similis to get some shellies started in my 75. I'm in Arlington, VA and would prefer not to drive too far. I'd like to get these guys in the tank before I go to the Jan meeting (my first time!) and hopefully get a few more tankmates (calvus, small julies, cyps).