
  1. D

    WTB - shelldwellers other than multis

    looking to buy some shelldwellers (other than multis). any one have any? i'm in herndon. thanks --dawn:animal0028:
  2. A

    Shelldwellers In Dc Area

    I've been wanting to get some Tanganyikan Shelldwellers (Neolamprologus Ocellatus/Multifasciatus/Brevis) but have been unable to find them. One LFS has stocked them, but that was right after I bought a pair of Honduran Redpoints, so I didn't have a tank free. I'm about to start a 20 gallon long...
  3. K

    Wtb Tanganyikan Shelldwellers

    Looking for Tanganyikan shelldwellers, especially similis or brevis! Anyone have juvenile shellies they're planning to bring in for auction within the next few months??