rio choluteca

  1. dogofwar

    Amatitlania nigrofasciatus "Rio Choluteca" For Sale

    "Rio Choluteca" convicts are a nice black and red "true" convict that was introduced to the hobby by Ken Davis a few years ago. I have a limited number of fry from a pair of F1 fish that I acquired from Ken. Here's a thread with some pics of the parents. Amazingly red little females...
  2. dogofwar

    Amatitlania nigrofasciatus "Rio Choluteca" spawn

    Amatitlania is the new name for the "convicts"... and there are now four species (with a varient in each collection location, kinda like peacocks): nigrofasciatus, siquia, kanna and coatepeque. Honduran Red Points and some others are still not formally described I have (among others) a...