
  1. jonclark96

    WTB Ruby Red Peacocks

    I'm looking for a group of juvie ruby reds, preferably around 2". Any one have any available for delivery to the meeting next week?
  2. rpfsys

    Red Turquoise Discus

    Still in the process of clearing out tank space, and I am seeing if there is an interest in red turquoise discus. I have a total of five, all eating well and in good health. Two are 3 to 3.5" and three are 2 - 2.5". I am asking $30 for the larger ones and $25 for the smaller ones. I will post...
  3. W

    FS Red Zebras

    Selling 1-1.25" red zebras. I can bring them to the BBQ on Saturday, or you can pick them up from me in Reston, VA. $2 each or 10 for $15. Most of my colony are F1s from Dave's. While I do have a blue male, all of these fish are orange. Here's a group shot of the adult girls:
  4. G

    red fin borleyi kadango?

    Hi, Do you happen to have any Male red fin borleyi's size and price if you do, TIA
  5. G

    wtb kadango red fin borleyi

    looking for a male red fin borleyi
  6. fishman13

    Red cherry shrimp problem

    Hey guys I know I haven't been on for a while but I have a problem with my rcs colony. They have stopped breeding. They are in a planted 40 breeder with just some catfish and khuli loaches. Whats going on?
  7. Red Kribensis

    Looking for super red Kribensis

    I am really interested in finding some super red Kribs and am wondering if anyone knows where I could purchase some or maybe someone on here has some I could purchase. Thanks!
  8. fishman13

    red clawed shrimp

    Can they be put in with mbunas?
  9. F

    Blue x Red zebra identification

    I got this fish with a tank I just bought. I have done a little research on them but could not find the answer I wondered if maybe you guys can help. It is hard to see in the picture but he starting to get a little orange on his dorsal fin. Sent from my iPad using MonsterAquariaNetwork app

    Anyone have any Red Texas cichlid pics?

    Sent from my LS670 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  11. F

    Blue x Red zebra identification

    I just got this fish with a tank I just bought and I think it is a blue male for the red zebra variety but it's hard to tell. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Sent from my iPad using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  12. J

    WTB: pelvicachromis taeniatus 'nigerian red'

    I need one breeding pair. Better if already mature. Located in LA.
  13. dogofwar

    Red Wiggler Wranglers

    I know that at least 8 folks in the club now have red wigglers (AKA compostng worms). How did you set up their bins? What's working for you / not? What fish are you feeding them to? Matt
  14. J

    WTB: Honduran red points

    Im in LA. wanna get a bunch of these guys. Better if theyre around 2" or bigger.
  15. neoprodigy

    36" Platinum Red Tailed Catfish

    After a Monster Meal
  16. P.Knight

    Anyone have male red top lwandas or just lwandas for sale?

    Didnt have luck finding a red empress, so ima try and see if anyone has any male lwandas prefer no bigger then 4 inches. If you do and can bring them tomorrow to the meet please let me know?
  17. hollyfish2000

    Mature Ruby Red Male For Sale

    This is the sub-dom turned dom that I recently moved out of my 40 breeder. He's been getting all the girls preggers, but is a bit too dominate for my tank. He's gorgeous, as you can see. Can bring him to the CCA meeting on Saturday. Make me a reasonable offer
  18. P.Knight

    Im Looking to buy a nice peacock or hap with a lot of red in it

    Is anyone bring an red empresses or any other kind of peacock or hap that has a lot of red to the may meet if so i would like to take one off your hands just let me know a price thanks
  19. CichlidMan

    Pet smart red texas cichlids!

    Just bought one of these bad boy it was hard to find because every time I was told they had one I will drive all the way there and it wasn't it! Finally I found a pet smart that had only one out of a tank of about 15 supposedly red Texas cichlids. Here a pic of mine.. Sent from my iPhone using...
  20. dogofwar

    Red Wiggler - $26 per pound

    I'm going to be picking up some red wiggler (composting) worms sometime this week from a local farm...and was wondering if anyone wanted me to pick some up for them. They are $25 / ~lb, which is about 1,000 worms and competitive with what's available online. I'm adding $1/lb to cover Paypal...