
  1. Termato

    GH / KH Reading in Rockville, MD

    Does anyone here in Rockville, MD or Bethesda, MD have a GH or KH reading over the last month? I don't have that specific test kit in yet and I was wondering what a recent reading was at. Thanks! :)
  2. lkelly

    CL post worth reading

    If just for the level of detail and a few laughs...
  3. Avatar

    A little wet reading

    The Not So Few, the Proud, the Maligned by Gunga Din (a.k.a. Dr. Cory D. Oras) "An aquarium is natural selection inside a box, but all the actual evolution occurs outside the glass". Freshwater Paradigms, Chapter 1, Volume 2, Encyclopedia Aquatica Compelling as insects or microbes may...
  4. L

    Reading Posts Issue/Master show all topics read

    I have found that if I read a post but do not go back through each level of the folders(ie Click on Capital Cichlid Association Forums link instead of the Forum Announcements link), it still shows something as unread when I am on the front page of the forum. Its not until I click back into that...