

    PUFFERS and PIKE CICHLIDS for sale

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yQoz295yGo crenicichla cinta 10 inches and 6 inches $125 for the pair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oACAZaU9zk pao leiurus about 4-5 inches $40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRl1Ils1NGY fahaka puffer 6 inches $75.
  2. Becca

    Free to hungry puffers - snails

    I have lots of different sizes and shapes of snails. If anyone wants puffers who would like to eat some, feel free to arrange a time to come harvest some from the fish room.
  3. F

    Puffers and Convicts

    Hello everyone and this is my first post! I just put two puffers in with one of my cichlids. (Blue African) I had puffers in the past but they seem to die easily. Any suggestions on keepin puffers alive and what they like to eat? I also have had a Convict for many years,so many years l forgot...
  4. B

    FS-Angels, community fish, and puffers

    My girlfriend is getting out of the hobby and wants to start stripping down her tanks. She has two angels, not sure on the species but one is platinum albino (tinfoil texture with red eyes), and one silver with black stripes (not altum). They breed about once a month, so we want to keep them...