Hi there!
Just wanted to let you know that we're making room for more new wood in the coming month, and we dropped prices on all of our WYSIWYG nano Spider Wood pieces!
Some good stuff to be had!
They already have good size. I sell them in groups of 4 (3 males and 1 female) if you are interested. You can contact me by PM, the price is $30 for all.
This is not my ad or tanks, I know Mike the owner of these tanks, great prices if you need more tanks.
110 extra tall aquarium. Black trim, no leaks. 48 x 19 x 30 inches. $200
Black, wood stand for 110 tank. $100
FX5 canister filter, $150. Will not sell until tank is gone! Will sell with the tank.
Fish, sand, live plants, heater, magfloat, caves, wood, glass tops[don't quite fit] and Sunsun...
I don't know of anyone who has them and I have been trying to track a group down. But obviously I want a strong dark strain.
So I find a seller on aquabid and shoot him an email. He says he can do $25 for the action he has. Fish are at 2 inches and 5 listed so I thought sweet. Until he...
Cichlid Connection
cichlidconnection.com SIZE PRICE
citrinellus San Juan black 3" $5.00
citrinellus San Juan black 4-5" $7.50
citrinellus San Juan black 6-7" $17.50
labiatus 'piebald red devil' 7-8" $20.00
lyonsi 'endangered species' 1.5" $7.50
lyonsi 'endangered species' 2" $9.75
ACA convention deliveries, I am only bringing what is preordered and paid for, I do not have rental tanks this year, I will arrive Thursday afternoon. Fish will need to be picked up Thursday evening or Friday, all fish will be bagged individually on O2. I will start shipping again on July 26th...
I just came home from Home Depot. I noticed they had 5500watt generators marked down to $299. Thats not bad when you consider how much you've paid for your fish and don't have power,lol. Just a heads up if you are in the market for one.
Xtreme Cichlid Pellets 18 oz $18
Xtreme Cichlid Pellets 24 oz $22
Xtreme Cichlid Pellets 5 lb $60
Xtreme Large Fish Sticks 18 oz $18
Xtreme Large Fish Sticks 24 oz $22
Xtreme Large Fish Sticks 5 lb. $60
Xtreme Flakes 2.9 oz $10
Xtreme Flakes 1 lb $32
Wilds: (number available, price per...
Here's this months stock list, I'm in Georgia, ship nationwide via Fed-ex or USPS. fishfarm@mindspring.com Ken
Since the $200 box was so popular I will now offer:
Box of Central American cichlids, overnight shipping included. $200, $300, ect. name your price. I will make you happy, stipulate...
Wild caught Brazil, These fish will have to be acclimated and quarantined, but I will take pre-orders. I'm in Georgia, ship nationwide fishfarm@mindspring.com Ken
Wild discus:
Alenquer $40
Alenquer Red Red $65
Cameta Brown $30
Manaus Semi Royal $65
Manacapura Red $65
Nhamunda Blue $50...