
  1. Termato

    Planning Breeding Racks

    I have decided that I'm going to be setting up some breeding racks in my apartment. I want to breed the following fish: Discus (no mated pairs yet but want at least a 2-4 of breeding pairs) German Blue Rams (4 mated pairs) Angelfish (1 breeding pair) <--I only want one breeding pair for now as...
  2. spazmattik

    planning a double stack 125

    Title is a little misleading because really I just want a 125 with a 75 under it ;) So there's all kinds of threads coming up when I search but a lot of it is not really what I am looking for. I was thinking of using this basic method ( ) BUT, for...
  3. AquaStudent

    DIY LED project for 29G - Planning and Building

    I'm hoping someone with more experience with DIY LED projects can help me sort out any potential gaps in my plan (or better yet say there aren't any). I'm hoping to order the parts soon so I can get the fixture built well before the June 8th meeting. I have some experience with circuits and...
  4. msjinkzd

    Planning on making the next meeting- FINALLY!!!!

    I will get a stocklist up this weekend for everyone, but I DO plan on making the meeting and can bring fish or foods for anyone who wants it :)
  5. verbal

    Fish room planning

    So I have gotten permission to use 1/2 of our rec room as a fish room. I plan to build my fish room around 30 breeder tanks(and maybe some 40s). At this point I am trying to decide to do the rack(s) 2 or 3 high. Also trying to decide between 2x4(or probably 2x3) and commercial shelving. Any...
  6. D

    Dark Side Planning

    After looking at Tony's videos on Youtube I kind of want to do an African setup. I was looking at various fish and came across some Aulonocara Firefish and my wife loved them. I don't know if that is their correct name or not though. She also loves the Aulonocara Baenschi. Would I be able...
  7. A

    How's the ACA convention planning coming?

    Hope you are all having fun putting it together! I remember what it was like this time last year. The calm before the storm can be so unsettling! Andy