
  1. DiscusnAfricans

    Peacock Studs

    Was able to snap a few pictures of my peacock breeders over the weekend. Thanks again to Tony for letting me borrow his awesome camera. My Kandeense and AER males are still fairly young, but both have started to spawn. The kandeense are actually producing good size clutches for being dwarf...
  2. monfrey29

    What type of yellow peacock could this be?

    It's about 2 3/4ins. I bought it as a sunshine but that was all it said on the tank. I also bought as a female and this is what it became. I thought lemon Jake because of the purple, but the cuts of white in the dorsal and tail say otherwise. The blue fish is a hybrid of German red and red...
  3. bschuhart

    FS Angels and 4-5" Ruby Red Peacock Trio, German Rams

    For Sale -will bring to April CCA meeting. 2 - German Blue Rams - breeding Pair - $10 for pair 10 - silver Dollar sized Kio/Marble Angels - $50 for all 10 7 - Full size Bleeding Heart Tetras - $20 for all 7 1- 8" Cigar Fish - Anostomus Anostomus - $10 2 - 4-5" Clown Loaches - $15 each...
  4. S

    Titanium peacock

    :angel2:it's hard to photo this one glares
  5. NYfan78

    Peacock Bass

    Hey, well i started a salt tank and its just getting over my head so I am seriously thinking of breaking it down and getting back into fresh. I want to do peacock bass and 1 or 2 large plecos. What size tank would you all recommend?
  6. lgfelic

    FT: Ruby Red Peacock young

    I have about 12 young between 0.75 - 1.25". Some are already displaying markings of a dominant male. Interested in trading them for invertebrates (shrimp, crays, assassin snails). Might consider some other stuff too. Pics of parents and the fry a few weeks ago. Questions? Feel free! (PM Me!)
  7. Red Nose Rummy

    You are setting up a 55G ALL MALE Peacock Tank and your selections are:

    Would like your suggestions on the stocking of an ALL MALE Peacock Tank, and Haps that would thrive well with the Peacocks. I don't want any Mbuna, quite frankly I REALLY love Peacocks...... This is my first Cichlid Tank - 55 Gallon - PFS Substrate - Rocks to include Caves - 2 Aquaclear 70's...
  8. L


    I'm looking for a nice Kelberi Peacock Bass or two at a good price. Please feel free to contact me with anything you might have available. Possible trades are also listed below. Captive Bred Ball Pythons Baby OB Peacock African Cichlids (30-40 @ about 1) Baby Super Red Bristlenose Plecos...
  9. Rasta Fish

    Super Red Ruby Red Peacock

    Super Red Ruby Red Peacock! Anyone in the club breeding these guys?
  10. bschuhart

    Guidlines for all Male peacock tank

    What are the rules for an all male peacock tank?
  11. hollyfish2000

    My new peacock tank

    I love my new planted tank. but my peacocks (thank you tony) are still huddled in the back, so I hope they will change their mind soon. (They just came from a 10-gallon to this 40-gallon and seem a bit wide-eyed at the big world at the moment.)
  12. hollyfish2000

    I got peacock babies!!!!!!!!

    OK, I realize that for most of you, this would be cause for a big yawn. But it's super exciting for me!! This is my 45 gallon blue orchid tank. 3M-5F and 6 lucippinis. I've had females hold occasionally, but never saw any fry. This morning, just as I turned on the light to feed, I suddenly saw...
  13. I

    Help solve the riddle of the mystery peacock

    Okay so this girl (guy?) was purchased a year ago from a LFS. I say its a girl bc i've seen her cheeks puffed out like she was holding but she's in large community tank so can't confirm it. Anyone able to help with an id?
  14. M

    True Altums angels and Peacock bass Kelberi for sale

    Got some of them in, very nice and eat everything, I am going to shipping some fish to Spine this coming week, if anybody want get some fish from me, I can ship them together. Thanks. Dan
  15. R

    FS/FT: Peacock cichlids and more

    So I've decided to turn my peacock tank into a saltwater reef. So now everything is for sale. Pm me with offers. Livestock: 5-ruby red peacock juvies (unsexable but think 2 are males)1-2" 1-orange shoulder 2.5" 1-sunshine hybrid 2.5" 4-ngara flametail 1.5-2" 3-yellow labs 1.5-2.5"...
  16. Rasta Fish

    FS Fire Fish & OB Peacock

    I have a few Fire Fish and some OB peacock left if any one is interested i can bring them to the meeting $5 each, they are about 3" maybe more in size and showing color. Also i have a bunch of very beautiful Mutts for free, Msobo deep/Yellow Lab (Hybrids) ..about 3"and up
  17. R

    need an id on peacock

    so i picked this male up from a mixed tank at my lfs. he was the brighter male of 2. no name just said mixed and was priced at $15. please help me id this guy. thanks. and sorry for the sideways picture i really cant figure out how to fix this **** problem.
  18. davidhusker

    FS: Adult Group of Msobo and Adult Male Strawberry Peacock

    I wont ship but I could probably meet up somewhere close by in Harford County or around. I dont know my plans yet as far as the first Meeting in January. Ill add new pictures tonight after football. Proven Adult group of Metriaclima sp "msobo" deep Mbuna cichlids. 1 Sweet Male, 2 "i think...
  19. R

    WTB peacock fry or juvies

    Hey guys thought I would make my own thread. Looking for some fry or juvies. I'm located in laurel md. Let me know what you have. :D
  20. U

    WTB: peacock fry

    Im looking for any nice breed peacock fry babies. Please let me know if you have any. I had good experience bought from memeber of CCA so I want to do it again. Thanks guys and gals Happy holiday!:lol: