
  1. Pat Kelly

    Pat's Fishroom

    Most of you have seen pictures of my room but here goes nothing. Before you go in on the left there is a little storage. I wonder what type of food I use. Air supply. (not the old music group) On the left as you go in. Lower tanks are 55's, middle row are 20H's Upper same side. Bottom...
  2. phishphorphun

    Pat's Fish...

    ...are another good reason to attend a CCA board meeting.
  3. phishphorphun

    One Of Pat's Ruby's Shining

    I have had this little guy for a couple months now. He is in the new 5' 120g with a lot of bigger and older peacocks. But I think he is starting to carry his own weight. Showing some good color.
  4. phishphorphun

    Few Of Pat's Fish

    I spent a few hours at Pat Kelly's fish room today. We had a blast taking photos of his fish...I did say WE. I'll be posting some of the photos over the next few days just to share his beautiful Aulonocara variants. This first set includes a brief selection of Pat's Albino Ngara, Albino...