
  1. Pat Kelly

    Pat's Table for the Market Place on Sunday.

    I will use this thread to post what I am bringing on Sunday. Remember, as in years past, I do not take preorders or sell these fish in advance. The idea of people paying to get in to the room is that there will be fish there on a first come first served basis. Please do not pm me for any...
  2. jonclark96

    Happy Birthday Pat!

    Happy Birthday to Pat Kelly! Hope you have a great day, my friend! :birthday::birthday::birthday::birthday:
  3. jonclark96

    9,000 Posts for Pat Kelly

    Congrats on reaching the 9,000 post plateau, Pat! It must have happened last week sometime and I missed it. Way to go!
  4. dogofwar

    Happy Birthday Pat Kelly!

    Have a great day! Matt
  5. Pat Kelly

    Pat's table at AquaMania2

    In an effort to stir up a little interest I will post a few items that I will have at the event on Sunday. There will be some Aulonacara Chilumba males. This is the dad. And a few males from this guy too. Ruby Red
  6. jonclark96

    Happy Birthday Pat Kelly!

    Hope you have a great day today! Happy Birthday Pat :birthday::birthday::birthday:
  7. jonclark96

    Congrats Pat Kelly - 8,000 Posts!!!

    Congrats Pat on your 8,000th post. Keep em coming! :jumping0045::jumping0045:
  8. Pat Kelly

    Pat's table on Sunday

    Okay, This is the list I plan on having. Prices will be shown that day. (still thinking LOL) I will have 9- used 2.5 gallon tanks. Painted 5+ replacement sponges for Hydro's 12+ .5-.75" Brevis A bunch of Lethrinops Red Cap Itungi They will be priced according to size. 1.5"+, 2"+, and...
  9. fischfan13

    Happy Birthday Pat Kelly!!!

    Happy Birthday Pat Kelly!!!
  10. Pat Kelly

    Pat's fishroom tour part 3

    The bottom row of the fishroom. In this one I tell you 2 times that there are some red caps in a tank and forget about the red empress. LOL Can you tell that I am bored yet..... I hate Ravens bye weeks. /WXob7jfI810
  11. Pat Kelly

    Pat's fishroom tour part 2

    The middle row of the fish room. I get tongue tied on this one. /Ey-Ks4Lplyk
  12. fischfan13

    Pat Kelly

    Because one day isn't enough...The Man deserves the Entire Weekend! Happy Birthday Pat!!! lXMCMlq4KtI
  13. jonclark96

    Congrats to Pat - 7000 Posts!!

    Congrats Pat! You topped the 7,000 post mark earlier today!:jumpy:
  14. fischfan13

    Thinking of Pat...

    As some of you know Pat Kelly is going in for hip replacement surgery on Monday morning. Here's hoping for a quick recovery and that Pat is back to kicking 50 yard field goals again!
  15. fischfan13

    Pat Kelly, Are YOU Serious?

    Congrats Pat Kelly, I think, on... 6000 POSTS!!!
  16. fischfan13

    Pat Kelly

  17. mscichlid

    Pat's got some big stones.

    Unfortunantly, Pat is a mile and a half away from the convention hotel in a hospital dealing with a kidney stone attack. Please wish him well here because he is heavily sedated and in pain. His goal is to be well enough by Thursday to attend the convention. However, he is accepting what you...
  18. buntbarsch

    Hans's Discus & Pat's Africans

    I had the chance to Hans's set-up and Pat's fish room during my visit last week. Here are some of the pictures I took:
  19. msjinkzd

    hey Pat, what do you thinka bout making these for CCA?

    Li makes these tank badges for the MAN network. I would love to have some to show my CCA pride when I post pics as well.
  20. fischfan13

    Hey Pat! This is for YOU!

    My son had to work around copy right infringements of this song (?). <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess"...