
  1. MIA

    Dragon, Bucco, Champs, etc growing nicely

    Been a long time... Have some really nice fish growing out :D
  2. G

    WTB nototaenia, rostratus, and blue neons

    I'm trying to fill out my tank a bit. Anyone looking to move some of these guys? Buccochromis nototaenia Fossorochromis rostratus Aulonocara stuartgranti blue neon
  3. maddog10

    Buccochromis Nototaenia

    Been wanting to get a photo of this guy for some time now, not the best background (all of my tanks have lots of sponge filters running). This shot at least shows most of his color. When he is displaying he gets black fins and the bottom 1/4" - 1/2" of his body turns black.